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I know its been awhile! but i am updating as often as I can.

Love all my readers and if anyone knows someone who can make great covers please send them through! :))))


Angel POV


As I pace back and fourth all I can feel is frustration and annoyance not to mention multiple eyes on each of my movements.

"Can everyone stop looking at me!" my tone coming out frustrated, I snap my eyes to Zac "I thought you said he was coming?"

"He is.. Well at least that's what he told me" Zac shrugs and looks back down towards his hands as he leans forward on the black leather couch. I can't help the frustrating sigh that leaves my lips.

Last night after Josh and I had a lovely little make out session which I can't help the red blush I feel rise to my cheeks every time I think about it, I asked Vincent and Victor to come back into the room so I could explain about the demon spirit that was possessing the wolf's. Victor was very switched on and told me that something had to be controlling it seeing as dark spirits don't have control over there own bodies.

The boys helped me flick through my books to see if we could find out what Demon this was, and surly enough we found it but it only go worse from there. The Spirit is known as 'Nybbas' the Demon of torture, he can only be summoned by a coven of Dark magic not to mention the power that would have to be use to even control this demon is ridiculous. I knew then and there that I would be staying for longer then I first thought, so that brings me to why I am so frustrated! I told Zac that I needed to speak with him and Elijah, I also invited Alpha James and my Father to see if they knew anything from when they ran the pack but Elijah has not graced us with his presence

when I specifically said 8.00am sharp! Not to mention I am starving for a big breakfast so you don't wanna mess with me when I'm hangry.

"You know what Fuck him, if he doesn't care about the safety of his pack then I'll just start without him" I stop my pacing and head over to the desk lifting myself onto plush wood "So, as you know dark magic was used to place a number of you into a comatose state your wolf's where trapped in your own bodies" I flick through my book and open it to the page I found last night "Nybbas" I point to the picture on the left hand page while holding the book up right "This spirit is one powerful demon and honestly I don't know what or who summoned it or what this pack has gotten into while I wasn't here but this is serious someone or something has it out for this pack so I need to know everything?" the door is suddenly swung open and I can't help the scowl that rises on my face as Elijah strolls into his office.

"Oh! Thankyou so much for gracing us with your presence mighty Alpha" I jump of the desk and slam the book in my hand down hard causing everyone to jump slightly.

A smirk grows on his face as he takes in my angry posture it takes everything in me not to slap that silly smile of his dam face

"Oh I'm so sorry! I forgot you call the shots around here don't you"

"Well at least I'm helping! What are you doing sleeping in? or sleeping around?" Elijah's smirk drops as a growl escapes his throat

"I will not be disrespected!" he shouts as he closes the space between us "You just think after 4 years you know what's going on, you ran away and left not caring about how it would effect people around you!" Elijah's breath is now fanning my face as I realise how close we are to one another, my scowl deepens as I take in his words.

"Well maybe if someone was man enough to admit he had a mate rather then rejecting me in front of—"


"YOU DENIED IT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! I STOOD THERE CRYING BEGGING YOU BUT YOU STILL DENIED IT!" I shout meeting his gaze as we continue to scowl at one another. I feel someone grab my arm but they don't hold it for long as I rip my arm out of there grasp and shove past Elijah. This man is so frustrating! I come back here save his pack and this is how he behave's.

"Angel wait" Zac calls and I shoot my eyes towards him while my hand sits on the doorknob "can we all just take a deep breath and clam down, Elijah, Angel was just explaining she found out what was behind what happened" I feel another hand reach my shoulder, looking towards the hand to see my father standing behind me giving me a light smile. I can see the happiness in his eyes as he squeezes my shoulder and gives me a light nod towards Elijah. I know he is expecting me to be the bigger person right now, I need to help this pack even if half of them tormented me my whole life this was my home and I need to protect it.

With a sigh I grab my father's hand and squeeze it slightly

"As I was saying" I walk away from my fathers hand and walk back over to my book I had slammed down on the desk "Nybbas takes a lot of power to control so I need you to tell me, if you have done anything to piss off a dark coven or have you taken something you found that was suspiciously witchy?" I shut my book and stare at the men before me. A silence filled the room causing me to smirk "Please, Please not all at once" I cross my arms over my chest as I continue to stare at the eyes in the room.

"A few years ago your father and I attacked a dark coven who where practicing on our lands. We killed all of the coven members though" Alpha James speaks up he then turns his head to my father who is shaking his head slowly.

"Dad you know I can see you? What is it?" my dad's eyes shoot up to me while Alpha James looks down to the floor. Raising an eyebrow I look towards Elijah and Zac who look as confused as I am.

"Nothing, just I don't remember taking anything that could be of value to them" snapping my head back to my father who gives me a light smile. His eyes though are saying another thing entirely, he is hiding something from me.

"Right" I say slowly, uncrossing my arms from my chest push myself from the desk I was leaning on "Well that's a start, if I could have the reports from the attack I need to look through them and if I could have the location of the attack that would be a big help as well"

"I'll get them to you" Elijah speaks up, I give him a quick nod as I make my way out of the office

"Very well, I guess this means I'll be staying a little longer I hope that's ok with you" I look towards Elijah trying to make sure my voice didn't come out annoyed.

Elijah replies with a nod, turning away from me as he heads to his desk.

"Well I guess this meeting is over. Dad, Alpha James" I give them a slight nod and walk out the door.

As I walked down the hallway to my room, my mind continued to race with questions. My father is hiding something from me and I have to find out what it is. Pushing my bedroom door open my eyes meet with three handsome men who looked completely bored out of their minds.

"How did it go?" Josh says as he pushes himself of my bed.

"My father is hiding something, and I have to find out what it is so for now I have to stay here and help them"

"They don't deserve it" Vincent says in a whisper.

"Some of them may not but Vincent this is my home and if anything was to happen and I could have helped prevent it I would never forgive myself" Vincent's scowl slightly softens as a sigh leaves his lips.

"Fine, fine" Vincent grumbles, a small smile makes it's way on my face as I walk over and give him a big hug. I guess it's time to get to work, figure out what the hell is going on and find out what my father is hiding from me.

"Time to get some Sherlock Holms shit happing!!"

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