Had Me @ Hello - Luke Benward

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"I can feel you comin' from a mile away. My pulse starts racing from the words that you say."

Y/N was going out for lunch with Karen. I was extremely nervous to be without her, especially since Fisk's men were still out there. I looked over at Foggy to see him busy reading today's newspaper. I decided to use him being busy to my advantage. I grabbed my cane and quietly slipped out of the office. I took to the rooftops and listened for Y/N's heartbeat. I stopped when I heard that she was about a mile away from where I was currently at. I knew it was wrong of me, but I focused in on their conversation. "So how are you and Matt?" Karen asked Y/N. "We are doing great, going as strong as ever. I really love him you know." She said. I could hear the smile in her voice. "Really? What do you think the future holds for you two?" Karen asked. "I honestly don't know but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He's truly an amazing man." Y/N said. I immediately felt my heartbeat pick up. It made me so happy that she loved me so much and wanted to stick by me. I stopped listening to the conversation at that point, content with what I heard. I headed back to the office, dreading the questioning I would get from Foggy when I got back.

"Close your mouth now baby don't say a word cause you ain't saying nothing I ain't already heard. Plus all them words get buried when the beats so loud and the speakers blowin' up to this dance song."

I was at this awesome party. I had started drinking when I got there and I was currently on my third shot. It was at the point where I didn't even remember how I got invited to the party. I should probably lay off the liquor, considering my memory was getting affected but I downed my shot instead and ordered another one. When I got my fourth shot, this really pretty girl with Y/EC (Your Eye Color) and Y/HC (Your Hair Color) sat next to me at the bar. I could tell she was into me. She kept staring at me and then nervously looking away when I caught her. "I'm Y/N." She finally got the courage to say. "Foggy." I responded as a really upbeat dance song came on. She said something that I couldn't hear because of the song. "Sorry I didn't catch that! It probably doesn't matter anyway, I've heard all of the pick up lines!" I yelled so she could hear me. She frowned at what I said. I guess drunk me wasn't as up to par as sober me. "It's ok though! The beats so loud! Why don't we get out of here?" I suggested, causing her to smile. She led me out the door and I hailed a cab, knowing that this was going to end my night in the best way possible.

"You don't have to try too hard, you already have my heart. You don't got a thing to prove, I'm already into you."

This was my fourth date with Y/N. She is the first girl who I've gone out with for that long. I have to admit, I'm very intrigued by her and she is quite beautiful. I would know. Vladimir saw me with her once and tried to hit on her. Later that day, I gave him a good lesson to know to back off. I was honestly surprised by how every time I see her, this time no different, my tough facade falls and I become a little lost puppy. I could tell she likes that. She likes me a lot, it's evident in her sweaty palms when I hold her hand to kiss her knuckles. The only issue I have is that she tries way too hard. I can see it in her eyes. She tries to wear all of this makeup and acts all nervous around me. I've seen her with no makeup on and she's more beautiful without it. I decided I would reassure her thoughts at our date. I had rented out an entire fancy restaurant, making sure that we were not disturbed. When the wine came I poured her a glass and she sat there awkwardly. "Y/N you know that you don't have to be nervous around me right?" I asked. "Sorry I just don't want to screw up our date." She said, sounding very shy. I looked her in the eyes and held her hand. "Y/N there is no way you would ruin this. I see that you try too hard. You need to loosen up. You have my heart and I'm really into you. Please relax." I said. She smiled and put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Ok." She said and I visibly saw her relax. Truth be told, because she relaxed, it was the best date I've had with her.

"Hold, hold, hold, hold me tight now cause I'm so, so good to go. Don't say good night you know."

I had just woken up from another nightmare about my father. I sat up and I felt my heart beating extremely fast. My movement woke up Y/N, who looked at me worriedly. "What's wrong Wilson?" She asked, sitting up also. "It was nothing my dear, go back to sleep." I said. She gave me a look. "What's really wrong Wilson?" She asked. "I had the nightmare again." I admitted. She hugged me tight and I relaxed a little. "There's something else, what is it?" She asked. "I don't want you to leave me because of what I've done and what I have to do." I said. She smiled at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I won't ever leave you Wilson." She said. "Can you hold me?" I asked. She nodded and I put my head on her lap. I was so glad to have her. She was everything I could ask for. I have no clue what I would do without her. Her holding my frightened body eventually helped make me go back to sleep.

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