Hoshi's Power

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Then they arrived in Leanbox,and saw Vert being already in her HDD. Also Nep-Nep was in her HDD. Hannah loved her japanese Voice in her HDD,and was happy to finally see her in it. But then Vert got caught off guard by something and some of the Tentacles grabbed her. "Vert!"Hoshi yelled. One by one,the Godesses and thier Canditates got grabbed by the Tentacles. Even Neptune got grabbed by them. But then something happens which no one expected. A green light bursted out of Hoshis body and then there he stood,looking like having Narutos Kyubi Chakra Mode,but in green and instead of a circle he had a X on his stomach. His cross scar he had on his cheek glowed a vibrant green. He had a serious look in his now vibrant green eyes in which the Share Energy Symbol is embedded. He had a huge Katana in his hand which tip glowed also in a vibrant green,and he sliced the tentacles with it,setting the Goddesses and thier Candidates free. "I never expected that a guy can have a HDD Form!"Nepgear exclaimed,and Hoshis serious face changed into an emberassed one. The Monster they fought then took off to the Virtua Forest. "I have a feeling that we will meet this monster again",Neptune confessed. Hannah and Hoshi flew over to the lavender haired goddess. "I wonder why it appeared in the first place..."Hannah frowned and thought about it. "We should think about it when we're home",Neptune looked over to Hannah. "Right",Hannah sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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