My love Shuhei is a Shinigami?

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Me and Shuhei Hisagi are already live together for over 2 years and a half. But the weird things is we never slept together. Yeah right not once. Believe me we are not! Yes we love each other. But he is too kind to do such things. You know, the adult things.. Yeah you got me.

We slept separately on our own room. But I still love him very much and he also love me at the same way. Kissed? Hmm to tell the true yes, we have kissed before and many times. But still not gone far from only kissing.

I knock at his door and once again he is not in. Slowly I open the door and see a note on his tidy bed.

'Dear my love Kiyomi Hanamura

I've got another job to do and I'll be back in a short time. Maybe 3 months. Please don't be upset and don't cry my babe. I'll always love you forever.

Love Shuhei Hisagi'

My-my this is the 4th time he doing this to me. I still don't know what job is he doing. Sometimes I think he involved in some gangster work. I shake my head to throw my negative thinking. He always kept his promise and came back on time. If he said 2 months and after 2 month here he is with me.

Stupid Kiyomi, Don't think about that at him. He is very kindhearted person in the world you've ever met.

I walk lazily to the kitchen for breakfast. Today I start on leave for 5 days to finish my yearly annual leave, I work at veterinary clinic as assistant veterinar.

How do I know Shuhei? Well, its happened 3 years ago.


I was helping in search of the missing kitten. A 8 years old girl who have lost her kitten run over me and ask for a help. Luckily its my off day and I keen to help her out.

We went every where including the park, someone backyard, nearby garbage bin. Every where but nothing.

Suddenly I hear Hiromi's screaming joyful. When I look at her, she already run across the road and the traffic light is turning green. My eyes widened as I run up to catch her, glad I caught her in my arm. When I look on my left, a truck is coming. I try to run but, I fell down. Trying very hard throw Hiromi to roadside. The truck is coming I close my eyes, I hear the truck's break screeching. Then suddenly I feel some one grab my body and I can feel like I'm flying. Everything goes silent.

"There, you can open your eyes. You save now" I hear a male voice.

When I open my eyes and look up I see a man with a dark grey eyes, black hair and a number '69' tattooed on his left cheek. I was stunned by his appearance. I never see him before. My grab tightening on his shirt.

"there-there I know you amazed with my appearance. But please let go my shirt" He said and a small blush appear on his cheek.

I was shock and quickly release my hand and he let me down.

"fiuuu... That was close one. Are you okay little girl?" He ask Hiromi and pat on her hair.

"I'm Hiromi.. Thanks I am good" She answer.

"Why you run to the road that suddenly? It's really dangerous you know."

"I saw my Juba... there he is... JUBAAA..." and she ran to the nearest garbage bin and grab her kitten.

"Oooo I see.. missing kitten huh?" he look at me. I smile and nod.

He smile my heart pounding. He hold out his hand.

"I'm Shuhei Hisagi"

"I'm Kiyomi... Kiyomi Hanamura" we shake hand.

"what a lovely name." He smile holding my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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