Chapter 1

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Today a new editor was joining Sky Media. Ross would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Ross wasn't exactly a 'people person' and so was always worried about accidentally hurting someone's feelings and making them hate him.

He looked up as Adam entered the offices with a girl probably a little older than Ross. She was beautiful with ginger hair and eyes that he couldn't decipher the colour of. But they had a strength behind them.

"Everybody this is Maxine. She's the new editor." Adam introduced.

"Call me Max." She said. "I'm not kidding, don't call me Maxine."

"Okay then everybody this is Max."

She smiled at Adam.

"So I have some videos I have to record, I'm going to need someone who can show Max around. Ross?" Adam said.

Ross sighed and said "Sure."

Max walked over to him and everyone left to their respective areas. He then started the tour.

As they passed each office Ross began to try and start a conversation "So what are your hobbies?"

"I feel like this is one of those questions where if I don't say editing I'm going to get fired." Max said nervously.

"It's not." She sighed with relief. "Or maybe it is and I'm trying to lull you into a sense of comfort."

She chuckled a bit and then said "Well I like watching anime, singing and playing videos games. Oh yeah and editing, editing is fun."

"Anime? What's your favourite?"

She thought for a second "One punch man."

"That is a good one."

They walked in comfortable silence for a bit until Ross asked "Wait where are you staying, I heard that you left your state to move here and I want to make sure you aren't homeless."

"I'm not, homeless I mean. I'm staying with my boyfriend."

"That's good." He said thankful she didn't have to live on the street.

"Yeah." Her voice had an uncertain glint to it as though she wasn't so sure it was a good thing.

"This is my office by the way in case you ever need some help and that over there is the editing station.

"Thanks for, uh, showing me around."

"You're welcome." He smiled at her and entered his office.

Max took a deep breath to prepare herself before walking to the editing station and introducing herself to her fellow editors. Thankfully they seemed quite nice and helped her get set up. Once she was all done getting set up she checked her emails to see if anyone had sent her videos to edit. Seeing none she checked her Twitter quickly.

She scanned through her notifications until one tweet caught her eye. It read: "@MithzanMax and @5PunsOfPete are honestly such relationship goals. When's the wedding?"

Max swallowed hard. She loved Pete, she really did, so why did the though of marrying him make her feel ill. She had a feeling it had to do with something that had happened earlier that week. She'd said that she's been about to go out with some friends when he snapped. He shouted at her that she couldn't go see them and then when she made for the door he had grabbed her arm hard enough to bruise.

She saw Pete had tagged her in a photo. It was her asleep on the bed, her ginger hair fanning out around her. It said "I don't know what I did to deserve this angel! @MithzanMax"

Liking the post so he didn't get suspicious Max quickly closed Twitter. It was making her question the man she loved. She checked her email again and nearly cried with relief at the sight of a video for her to edit.

She quickly opened the file and her editing software, using the work as a way to stop her from focusing on Pete.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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