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Theresa's POV:

Me & Dean have been fighting a lot. It makes me sad. I'm so overwhelmed cause we have three babies & they all need attention, which I don't mind cause I love them to death & am very blessed to have them but it's stressful as fuck cause Dean won't fucking help me!

Me: Dean, will you please help me with the babies? I've asked you twice already!

Dean: Sure.

Later that night I made dinner & fed & changed the babies.

Me: Why won't you help me? Do you not get that it is so stressful handling the babies by myself?

Dean: I'm not fighting with you.

Me: Of course you're gonna say that! You know what, fuck you! I'm sleeping in the babies room.

Dean got up from the bed & walked over to me.

Dean: *pulling me back* I don't wanna fight no more. I love you, I really do.

Me: I love you too! *kissing him*

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