Then why haven't I seen you before?

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"Your Grace, Lord Aedelric Hildegard is here with his family." Tywin told the man sitting on the famous Iron Throne of all Westeros, 

"Your Grace, it's a pleasure meeting you again." Aedelric bowed at the King with his entire family, 

"nice meeting you too Lord Aedelric, it's been a while since we've met, isn't it?" the King smirked, looking up at them while he remained slouched on the Iron Throne. "Who is that Lady in blue, standing behind your family Lord Aedelric?" he asked, his attention was fully on Scillia, turning to look at Scillia, Aedelric smiled,

"Your Grace, the Lady in blue is my granddaughter, heiress to my eldest son, Philip, Scillia Rose Hildegard is her name your Grace." Lord Aedelric introduced Scillia to the King, coming forth, Scillia curtsy at him,

"Your Grace, it's a pleasure to meet you! I've heard a lot about you from my family." Scillia greeted, trying her best to avoid gaze with him as what Randel had told her to do so,

"tilt your head up, let me have a better view of you." the King ordered, hesitating for a few seconds, she had no choice but to look up at the King, locking gaze with him. "Do you know who am I Lady Scillia? If you said that you have heard a lot about me from your family." he smirked, checking her out from head to toe,

"Your Grace, you're the King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, you are King Joffrey of House Baratheon." Scillia smiled, answering his question calmly, 

"you are well informed, if you're really a Hildegard, then why haven't I seen you before? As far as I know, the Hildegard are well known for having only heirs, having an heiress for the first time surprises me greatly!" Joffrey squinted his eyes for an answer, 

"Your Grace, Scillia was gifted to my son Philip and his wife, Aveline two years after our last meeting, hence, you might never have seen or heard of Scillia before your Grace." Aedelric interrupted, saving Scillia from being questioned any further, 

"your Grace, the Hildegards must be tired after their journey, let's have a talk with them again after their rest." Tywin said to his grandson, more like an order. Agreeing, Joffrey carried out his order, waiting for the rest of the Hildegards to leave, Joffrey quietly descended from the Iron Throne before slipping next to Scillia. 

"Your Grace?" Scillia flinched when she felt her arm being interlinked,

"I apologize, I don't mean to frighten to you Lady Scillia, allow me to escort you to your chamber if you don't mind." Joffrey held her chin before twisting his smile as he left, as Joffrey continue to escort Scillia to her chamber, Luella decided that it was best if she follows them a few meters behind. "Tell me more about yourself Lady Scillia, the thought of the Hildegard having their one and only wish for ages being granted fascinates me." Joffrey cleared his throat,

"your Grace, I know nothing much about my family's wish but I must admit that they do treat me better than my other family members." Scillia couldn't look Joffrey in the eyes.

"Do you still fear me?" Joffrey suddenly, causing Scillia to tilt her head up within seconds, 

"No your Grace, I only fear you as how a subject should fear their King your Grace." Scillia admitted, avoiding gaze with Joffrey as much as she could when she felt her chin being lifted up by Joffrey's fingers, 

"look into my eyes!" Joffrey demanded in a soft tone, admiring the beauty of the color blue as Kashmir that taints Scillia's iris. "So much water I see!" Joffrey mumbled to himself before letting go of Scillia's chin, "you'll meet me again at the Great Hall this evening, there are so many parts of the castle that I would like to show you around!" Joffrey stopped in front of a door, "this is your chamber, I will send you your ladies in waiting right away, till then, goodbye Scillia!" Joffrey caressed Scillia's chin before leaving. When Luella and Scillia both have made sure that Joffrey was out of sight,

"maybe coming here was a big mistake for you!" Luella stated, shaking her head.

"Why? What's wrong?" Scillia turned to look at Luella, instead of answering, she brought Scillia into the chamber, sat her down on the bed before locking the door.

"Scillia, I'm sure you might have heard a lot from King Joffrey from your grandfather, but it's only his name that you know, not his real behavior! I've heard a lot about his Grace." Luella sat beside Scillia, looking at her confusingly, Luella eventually sighed in defeat, "Scillia, I know that I'm not in the position to talk about his Grace but everyone in King's landing fear him, some loathed him and some wanted him executed! He may look charming on the outside but he's a real monster, like what Lady Sansa had described him!" Luella confessed, 

"Lady Sansa? You mean Sansa Stark from Winterfell?" Scillia reconfirmed with Luella, not believing what her ears were listening to right now, "but he has requested for me to meet him again at the Great Hall this evening to bring me around his castle, I can't just deny him his request, it may taint my family's name!" Scillia pointed out when they both jumped when they heard the door being knocked, unlocking the door, Luella allowed two ladies in waiting inside, 

"My Lady, King Joffrey has sent us here to serve you as your ladies in waiting." a younger lady than the two bowed obsequiously,

"while I appreciate your concern, I already have a lady in waiting with me, Luella, but you may serve me if you like but before you do so, please introduce yourselves." Scillia smiled,

"my Lady, my name is Jeanne and this is Militsa." the younger introduced herself before introducing the older lady's name. "Nice to meet you Luella." they two exchanged smiles with Luella before they three got acquainted with each other. 

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