That waiter was HOT

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Taehyungs pov

"Ugh Im sooooooo booored!" Hoseok exclaims draping himself over the side of the couch. I hate Sundays, I never know what to do. Hoseok came over uninvited... like always, then started complaining.
"Then call kookie, lets go get some food." I say throwing a pillow at him. Hoseok springs up at the thought.
"Okay!" He says pulling out his phone. He waits for it to ring then I hear Kookie answer.
"Hello?" I hear.
"Kookie! Come get food with us!" Hoseok yells into the phone.
"K, meet me at Cheezys in ten," Kookie replies.
"Okay, see ya" Hoseok hangs up the phone.
"Get up hoe!" Hoseok says throwing a pillow at me. I look at him with wide eyes. How dare he call me that!
"Hoseok!!" I yell punching his arm. "Gosh youre such a dick man" I say with my arms crossed.
Hoseok looks at me with amusement, then chuckles.
"Whatever. Go get dressed." He says pushing me up the stairs.
As we walk into the restaurant, Jungkook is sitting there waiting for us, but stands as we enter.
"Hey!" We all say in unison. I hug Kookie first, then Hoseok. We walk over to the counter to be seated. We are greeted by a girl with long hair. Krystal, is what her nametag said.
"Hello welcome to Cheezys. How many will be dinning tonight?" She asks with a smile.
"Just three" Hoseok replies.
"Okay, this way," She says leading us to our table. "Your waiter will be here shortly" Krystal informs us.
We nod our heads, and thank the girl.
As we are talking amongst ourselves, a girl with short blonde hair appears with our menus.
"Hello guys, I'll be your waiter for tonight. Im Amber, and feel free to ask questions if you have any." She says and leaves.
As we are looking at our menus Amber comes back with a notepad.
"So can I start you off with any drinks?" She asks looking around the table.
"Water," The three of us say at once. We all look at each other and giggle, also hearing Amber giggle a little.
"Haha okay I will be out with them in a moment," she says leaving once again.
We continue to giggle, until Amber comes back. She carefully sets the glasses down, along with some straws.
"Okay, there you are. Im sorry for the inconvenience, but my shift is over. Your waiter will be Jimin, and he should be here any moment to take your order." Amber explains
"Okay thank you Amber" I say watching her walk out. Not to long after a boy enters with a waiters outfit. He is slowly making his way over to the table. I watch as he pulls out a pen, and notepad.
"Hello Im Jimin, I'll be your waiter for tonight. What would you like to order" he asks, now looking directly at me.
"Uh umm, oh yeah I'd like a bacon burger with no onion or tomato please." I say blushing a little.
"Okay, and for you?" Jimin asks looking at Hoseok.
"I'll have the same thing," Hoseok replies.
"Oookay, and for you?" He asks Jungkook.
"I'll have the chicken tenders," Jungkook says shyly. Hoseok and I chuckle at Kookies order, but Jungkook just glares.
"Okay, any appetizers for you guys?" Jimin asks collecting our menus.
"An order of curly fries!" Jungkook exclaims clasping his hands together. Thats when Hoseok and I lose our shit. Earning a kick from Kookie.
Jimin watches us silently chuckling.
"Okay, your order will be out as soon as possible." Jimin says, locking eyes with me before he turns and leaves.
"You guys are lame." Kookie says crossing his arms.
"Im sorry Kookie," I say giggling a little. "But it was pretty funny".
"Well you know whats even funnier? YOUR FACE!!!" Jungkook yells poking my nose.
"Fine whatever" I say looking away.
I hear Hoseok and Jungkook talking but pay no attention to the conversation. That waiter was really cute. With his flowy hair and dreamy eyes... oh god I sound like a teenage girl.
I giggle thinking of something.
"What?" I hear Hoseok ask. I look at him and smirk.
"Oh my god wasnt the waiter just sooooo hot. I mean I would totally do him if he asked." I say winking at Jungkook. I hear the two giggle then look down, then out of the corner of my eye I see Jimin standing there with the tray of food. He is standing there smirking at me. OMG HE WAS STANDING THERE WHEN I SAID THAT!
"Okay here is you food guys, is there anything else I can help you with?" He asks winking at me.
"Wheres the bathroom?" I ask.
"Down there, to the right." Jimin points out.
"Okay thank you," I say. I wait for Hoseok to scoot out of the booth so I can get up. I immediately rush to the bathroom, oh my god that was embarrassing. As I follow the directions Jimin gave me, I eventually find the bathrooms. I splash some water on my face then hear the door open.
"Hey cutie," I hear a voice say. I lift my head to see Jimin standing behind me. I quickly turn around to face him.
"Im sorry about what I said. I was just messing around." I say blushing.
Jimin puts his hands on the counter on either side of me, pinning me. He is shorter than me but does look stronger than me.
"Were you really though?" Jimin asks biting his lip. I glance down at his lips then back up at his eyes. I can feel my heart beating quickly, and my breath coming out fast and short. Jimin notices, and brings his face closer to mine.
"What was it you said? 'The waiter is soooo hot' right?" He asks mockingly.
I nod, and that was it. I could feel his lips on mine. I close my eyes enjoying the unexpected making out session. I can feel one of Jimins hands moving from the counter to my waist, then under my shirt.
"Mmmm," I silently moan when I feel his hand making its way over my crotch.
I hear the door start to open, so I push Jimin away from me. He looks at me, then pulls out a pen. Then he grabs my arm. I can feel him writing something.
"Call me," Jimin says leaving the bathroom. I look down at my arm and see his number with a heart next to it. I smile at the digits on my arm.
What just happened?!?

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