"Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"

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By Fall Out Boy

I didn't know what to write in my journal so I wrote another dumb B-B-B-Bucket band story. Now my teacher probably thinks I'm crazy...and what can I say? I kinda am.

Duck walked into the classroom the band was meeting in, his heavy metal music blaring.

"Duck!" Jamesy yells "Turn your music down!!!"

"What?!" Eric yells "You're a scary clown?!"

"No turn your music down!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You're going to drown?!" Greg screams.


"You're new in town?!" Bucket asks.

Jamesy unplugs Duck's earbuds "Turn your music down."

"Ohhhh" they all say in unison.

"We're here today to talk about..." Bucket starts.

"Wait..." Greg says "Can my girlfriend watch us talk?"

"Sure" Bucket says "Who is it though?"

Suddenly the school's infamous bad singer, Cassidy, walks in.

The band groans.

"That's your girlfriend?!" Duck asks "You could pick any girl in the school and you pick her?!"

"Is there something wrong with Cassidy?" Greg asks.

"Um kind of" Bucket says.

"Guys! I'm right here!" Cassidy says.

"Yeah and..." Jamesy says.

"Stop being so mean to her! " Greg yells "Besides don't we have to start the meeting!?"

"Good point..." Bucket says "We are here today to..."

Suddenly their manager runs in "Sorry I'm late! Have you guys started yet?"

"No" Bucket says "We haven't"

"Are we gonna start?" Duck asks.

"WEll if ya'll are ready to listen." he waits for a moment "We're going to discuss...woah nobody interrupted me... well um...I totally forgot what we were going to talk about..."

They all groan.

"Really Bucket?!" Eric asks.

"Bucket..." their manager says sweetly "We were going to talk about" she mouths something but since the B-B-B_Bucket band is horrible at lip reading they have no idea what she's saying.

"New album?" Duck tries.

"New song?" Jamesy guesses.

"New manager?" Greg asks.

"New class pet?!" Eric yells.

"DOLPHINS!!!!" Bucket screams.

"Oh my gosh! New member! New member!" their manager exclaims.

"Ohhhh" he says "I like dolphins better...but okay! We're here to talk about the B-B-B-Bucket band tryouts which will be held next Thursday"

"Ooohhh!" Eric says "I wanna come!!!"

"Eric you're required to come" the manager says.

"Aw man"


"Here we are trying to get a new member..." Bucket says "There are around twenty people waiting outside...So let's start!"

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