Chapter one: "Full moon."

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It was another peaceful, Winter night in the Gavity Falls forest. The animals were heading off to their dens and homes to stay warm for the very long winter. No one in the forest was moving around until a couple of teens walk in the forest all bundled up warm for winter. Those teens were none other than Dipper and Wendy. The two teens were out on a monster hunt in search for a Yeti. Dipper read in one of his books that a Yeti only comes out during winter time. Dipper wanted to bring Mabel along, but she had other plans so Dipper asked Wendy instead, and she said yes.

"Hey, Dipper do you know what the Yeti looks like?" Asked Wendy who was walking beside Dipper.

"Well, he is supposed to be pure white, and stand over 8 feet tall. I'm sure we will know him, when we see him." Said Dipper who was looking all around the tree's with his flash light.

The two teens looked for what felt like hours on end. Wendy then looked up to the sky to see a beautiful full moon.
Then out of no where the teens heard ruselling of bushes behind them. Dipper got excited, thinking that they found the Yeti. Dipper pulled out his camera to take a picture when the creature was just a wolf like looking animal on the hunt. But this wolf looked very different from a normal wolf. It's paws were more hand like than wolf like. The wolf had hair on his head instead of fur. And finally the wolf had a human like form to it, like a human walking on all fours. Dipper was disappointed by the creature not being a Yeti, but Wendy was interested. Wendy walked closer to the wolf like creature, but Dipper held her back.

"Wendy wait, we don't know where that animal has been. For all we know it could have rabies."

"Oh, come on Dipper it's just a wolf. They're like over grown dogs."

Wendy walked closer to the animal, and petted it's head. The animal was enjoying the petting it was getting. The wolf creature wagged it's tail, and thumbed it's foot on the ground.

"See Dipper, it's perfectly harness."

Dipper stilled didn't want to go anywhere near the creature. Wendy then scratched it's ear, making the creature yip with happiness.

"Okay Wendy, say goodbye to the wolf, and let's go."

"Okay, fine."

But before she stopped petting the creature she scratched it's chin making the animal unhappy. The animal growled and bit Wendy on the hand. After being bitten Wendy pulled away in pain, as the animal ran off into the cold winter night.

"Ahhh, dang it!" Yelled Wendy as she held her injured hand by the wrist.

"Oh my gosh, Wendy are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah I'm fine it's just a nip."

Dipper thought it was best to call it a night and help Wendy bandish her hand.

"Come on Wendy, let's go home for tonight."

"Yeah, okay."

Pair then walked back to the shack in dead of night. Mabel was already asleep and Stan was watching TV not paying attention to the teens walking in. Back in the gift shop Dipper bandished Wendy's hand with a long thick banish.

"Ugh, thanks Dipper I really appreciate it."

"No worries, Wendy. You want me to walk you home?"

"No, I'm okay thanks for the offer though."

After Wendy was all patched up, she made her way to the door. Once outside the teen girl then started to walk home. Along the way down the path to her house Wendy started to feel sick to her stomach. Wendy then felt dizzy, and fell to the ground, and every thing went black. That morning, Wendy still felt as dizzy as she did the night before only this time something was very wrong. She tooked down at her clothes to see that they were all torn up, and had large holes in them. Wendy than realized that she had sticks and leaves all in her hair. Wendy thought she got ran over because of how she looked. Wendy was able to take out the sticks and leaves from her hair and brushed it with her pocket brush. Wendy looked at her watch and saw she was late for work. She thought she didn't have time to change out of her ratty clothes and just went to work as she was. No one really noticed. Or I should say no one noticed but her boyfriend.

Dipper saw Wendy's ratty clothes, thinking that she got hit by a bus.

"Wendy, what happened to you?"

"I uhhhhh.."

Wendy wasn't sure herself, she couldn't just say "I woke up in the middle of the woods like this" that's crazy. So she came up with a lie to explain why she looked like that.

"When, I got home I had a wrestle with my brothers and I guess my clothes got all torn up. I saw I was late so I didn't bother to change them."

"Well, as long as you're okay."

Dipper then walked out of the room, and into the living room where his sister was.

Wendy gave a sigh of relief. She then looked at her injured hand and saw it the bandish was torn off. She then notice that the teeth marks were draining a blackish substance on to the counter. Disgusted by this Wendy rewraped her hand to keep it from draining again. She then thought the worst was over, but she couldn't be anymore wrong.

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