Chapter three: "My loyal friend."

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The next morning Wendy awoke all curled up around Dipper on the carpet of the living room in the shack.
Wendy saw that she was still a werewolf but she looked more like herself then wolf. She then turned to Dipper, and saw that he was using her small tail like a blanket, and had his head on her arm. Wendy smiled upon the boy as he slept all comfy with her. Wendy then felt pain in her body, and then saw she was turning back to her human form. Her small muzzle vanished, and her hands were, well hands and not paws. Her small tail went away, and so did her wolf like ears. Wendy felt a nudge on her side where Dipper was. The sleepy boy yawned, and saw Wendy giving a warm smile.

"Good morning Wendy, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I saw you did, so I don't even have to ask."

Wendy then patted her neck, and noticed that her necklace was missing.

"Oh, no I lost my necklace. It must have fallen off when I turned into the wolf."

"I thought this looked familiar."

Dipper held up the necklace for Wendy. She smiled as he put the necklace back around her neck.

"You're a life saver Dip."

"No problem Wendy."

Wendy kissed Dipper on the cheek making the boy blush. A few minutes later Mabel came down stairs with Waddles not too far behind.

"Hey bro, I see you two are up."


"I hope you don't mind, but I took a couple pictures for my scrapbook."

Mabel then showed Dipper and Wendy pictures of them all curled up around each other. Dipper blushed deeply and Wendy blushed a light pink on her cheeks. Mabel just laughed at the two blushing. Mabel went into the kitchen leaving Waddles alone with Dipper and Wendy. Dipper noticed how Wendy was staring at Waddles, she looked as if she was going to attack the animal.

"Wendy, you okay?"


"Earth, to Wendy, come in Wendy!"

Dipper waved his hand in front of her face trying to snapping her out of her trance.
She then growled at the boy, showing her teeth, and snarling. Dipper stepped back, afraid that Wendy might attack him. Wendy then snapped out of it, and the pig walked away.

"I'm sorry Dipper, I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay, you're still trying to figure out how to control it. I understand."

"Thanks Dipper."

"Of course Wendy."

The pair then walked in the kitchen to get breakfast. Dipper got out some eggs, and baccon. Awhile Wendy was trying to find something to stop her meat craving.

"Ugh, is there nothing to eat?"

"Well, what do you want Wendy?"

"I don't know, but..."

Wendy smelled something from outside. It smelled like deer. Wendy then ran out side looking for the deer. Meanwhile Dipper was very confused why she ran off in the woods. Dipper went looking for the girl, when he heard chomping, and snarling. He looked behind a bush to see his girlfriend eating a deer (raw.)

Dipper was shocked, yet not surprised. She is a werewolf after all. Dipper tried to approach the eating wolf, but she turned around and snarled at him. He was shocked to see her covered in blood from the deer. He looked behind her to see almost just skin and bone deer carcass. Wendy had blood all over her teeth and paws, Dipper just looked at the girl. Finally she snapped out of it, and saw the deer carcass and howled with horror.

"Oh no, what have I done!?"

"Wendy, calm down! It's not your fault!"

"Dipper, it is my fault! I killed and ate a deer, and loved it, what is wrong with me?!"

"You're a wolf Wendy, that's what they eat. It's not your fault it's instinct."

"You sure you're okay with this?"

"Yes Wendy, I'm not going anywhere. We are in this together."

Dipper then hugged Wendy dispite the blood on the girl's clothes he didn't care at the time. Wendy rested her head on his shoulder. She gave a small smile knowing her partner in crime Will stay with her until she is back to normal.

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