Beautiful Wings and a Beautiful Mind lead to Beautiful Dreams

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Author's Note
Sorry for the super late update. I really didn't think anyone was reading, but it's great that you are, and I really hope you're enjoying it. ❤️
Please ignore all the plot holes, I'm sorry if the story line is messy, I'm mostly using it and bending it for fluff, sorry if there's like 0 lore.
Who would prefer an original story or more Destiel?
Btw, if you have suggestions for a continuation of this or other AUs I should do, I would love to hear them. Thanks!

   Dean opened his eyes to a bright blue sky. It was beautiful, but it paled in comparison to Cas' eyes. Dean, man, get it together. "The beautiful sky pales in comparison to Cas' eyes"? What the hell was that. No friggin chick-flick moments. That was definitely one. He shook his head (the gay thoughts can't catch him) and came back to reality- well, was it reality? He came back to the... Dream-reality? However you want to think of it, he was became aware of the dream he was in. Cas' dream, to be exact.

    He looked again at the blue sky, with only a few clouds here and there, and sat up. Stretched his arms, and when they came back down to his side, they rested on the greener-than-green grass he was sitting on. He looked around, his eyes searching for- Ah, there he was.
    "Cas, what is this, the Sound of Music?" He had a point. They were on a hill, surrounded by other green hills, the same gorgeous green as the one they were on. There were flowers growing in patches, and the sky was as pleasant as the weather. It seemed exactly like the first scene of the Sound of Music, except without the nun... Although Cas had been an Angel of the Lord.

    He looked over at the trench coat-ed man with dark hair, and his eyes grew wider.
    "Cas, um, what's...that? Or those, I guess."
Dean pointed behind Cas, and Cas turned around to see what he was pointing at.
    "Dean, those are hills."
    "No, Cas, I know what hills are. I mean... On you... Do.... Is that what your wings look like?"
Dean marveled in awe of the immense feathered structures attached to Cas. They were somehow coming out through slits in his trech coat, that were just the right size. They were just the slightest bit darker than his hair, but less disheveled. And God, did they make his eyes stand out even more.

    Cas nodded. He had forgotten about his wings. He was used to them, but Dean had never seen them before. Actually, nobody had seen them before. "Yes." He cleared his throat, feeling vulnerable. Vulnerability was a new feeling, and he didn't like it much. It seemed to be less of an issue around Dean, however. "These are my wings."
    "You're an angel in your dreams still, eh? Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Wasn't really expecting to see the wings though."
Dean rambled awkwardly, astounded by the beautiful wings, black, but still so inviting. They looked... Comfortable, safe.
    Cas wasn't reacting smoother by any means, although he didn't blush as Dean did. He had never shown anyone his wings before. The other angels had always seen them, and he had never shown them to a human before. He didn't even know what Dean was thinking. Did they scare him? He didn't seem quite at ease with them, he was much less graceful in his speaking than he normally was.
    Dean unknowingly walked slowly towards Cas. "What do they feel like?" Cas' wings fluttered, it was like his wings themselves were blushing  and nervous. Cas accidentally stepped away from Dean, unaware of his actions until Dean spoke up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- um," Cas looked up from the ground.

    It was new, for both of them. Nobody had ever touched Cas' wings before, and Dean had never seen any. "It's okay, go ahead." Dean stepped closer, and luckily this time, Cas didn't back away. He slowly reached up and brushed a few feathers on the bottom of his left wing, using just one finger from his right hand.
    Cas' wing twitched, brushing past Dean's wrist, and then back. Dean laughed slightly, but it came out more as a sharp exhale. Cas was blinking wildly.
    "Too much for you, Cas?" Dean chuckled, trying to release the tension from this quiet moment.
    "No one has ever touched my wing before. It kind of- um..." His brow furrowed, looking for that word he had heard before, " it itched. No- it fickled." Dean full on laughed, causing the winged man to furrow his brow even further.
    "Cas, I'm pretty sure you mean tickled. You're just making up words now, huh?"
    "Oh." It took Dean a moment to remember that the electric eyes he was staring into were attached to a man- and a set of wings. He pulled his gaze away at last, looking over the beautiful landscape around them.

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