
63 1 18

Fluffy white tom with grey tail tip, paws and muzzle.
Very quiet, but lazy. He doesn't like to do any work for the clan, but will if he has to.

1 Fogcloud @cloverponyz --none

2-Fogsnore @Smokefeather --none

3-Fogbelly @TheEntireTsraClan --he is lazy

4-Fogbreeze @Warriors-Madness --he just goes with the flow like the wind

5-Fogday @AlexaMoore4 --a foggy day just hangs around

6-Fogwhisper 16hawkgirl16 --he is quiet

7-Fogshadow @Starflower6 --none

8-Fogfeather Starbucks-4ever --feathers just lay around, and don't move unless the wind makes them. Also feathers represent quietness

9-Fogwind @LyLon14 --none

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