The Abandoned Art Gallery

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~Readers POV~

I was lying on a bench outside an abandoned art gallery that was overlooking beautiful wheat fields. Once the gallery was closed down it became a fun hang out spot for kids to drink and smoke. My friends were inside the building in the old op-art section stoned off their asses. They had said they wouldn't leave me here to drive them home again and I stupidly believed them.

"Ahem." I jumped to the sudden voice. "I'm so sorry that I scared you. I'm Johnnie." The man said as he held out his hand. He was wearing a band tee, black skinny jeans, guyliner, and an impressive emo haircut.

"Hello. I'm (y/n)." I shook Johnnie's hand.

"What are you doing out here on a bench?" He asked with a chuckle.

"My friends are inside being the lazy stoners they are. And left me to sit out here so I don't have an asthma attack." I said trying to make myself as small as possible.

He said, "Ahhhhhhhh. My friends and I are recording a YouTube video." He sat a bit to close to my comfort on the bench.

"You make YouTube videos?" I asked surprised. I all of a sudden wondered. Who the fuck is sitting next to me?

He looked excited as he said, "Yeah! It's very hard to describe, but if you want I can show you."

"Awesome! I'll check it out later if you write it down!" I exclaimed. "I've always liked watching YouTube. Especially Dan and Phil among others."

"Hey, your pretty cool! Do you wanna hang out sometime?" Johnnie asked happily.

I smiled and said, "Sure! I'd love to hang out and talk. Maybe grab some food."

"Great." He said smugly.

He wrote something down and left. As he walked away I saw a piece of paper on the bench where he was. It said,

I loved meeting you, (y/n). Hope we can meet again.
My number: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Channel: Johnnie Guilbert

After a brief moment I looked up the channel. And would you fucking believe it. Over 1m subscribers. I can't believe that just happened. I quickly added his number to my phone and set the name. This might be fun.

Originally published March 2016

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