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“ I can’t believe you! why are you acting like a wild child!! You are not the daughter I raise!!” my mother screamed at me. Raise me? What is she talking about!! She barely looked at me when I actually was good!! Who does she think she is!?!

“ What were you thinking were you thinking!? Spray painting the principal’s office!!” my mother continued. 

“Well.. I was thinking that it was my last day there might as well be remembered. Right?” I stated and notice her face getting red.

To be honest it was pretty funny. Me and a two other friends went to the store bought green, red, yellow and black spray paint. We arrived earlier than everyone else and had written small messages, but my favorite was “Suck my dick !!!” with a winky face at the bottom. That was done by little old me. I even signed my name on the masterpiece, I mean I don’t want my work to go unnoticed, right ? 

“That is it!! You are no daughter of mine! Get out of my sight!!” she yelled. I simply rolled my eyes. Whatever! Like I want to her daughter. Soon I left the room, I couldn’t stand the sight of her either so that's why I change my appearance. Instead of her blonde hair i dyed my hair pitch black and got myself some tattoos. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t always be a badass daughter who “ seeks attention”, her words not mine. I used to be a goody two shoes, but she-- never mind, I'm not going to drop my life story on you.

“DAPHNE!!!” someone shrieked. I knew who it was immediately. My sister, Charlotte, she is the only one who can scream like that! 

“Yeah!!” I yelled back. 

“COME HELP ME PICK OUT CLOTHES FOR OUR TRIP TO CALIFORNIA!! she yelled back. I sighed and went to she room.

“Just pack all your clothes!” I told her as soon as I entered the room. 

“What?? No! I need England clothes that are cute and then buy cute American clothes duh!!” she stated as if it was obvious. I just rolled my eyes. 

“Okay fine let me see all your clothes” i said. 

Finally after hours of helping my little sister pick her clothes I finally got to pack my own. i went to my closet and got all of my clothes and stuffed them into a suitcase. Done..  now i can rela--

“DAPHNE!!!” Charlie yelled. Charlie’s my brother... I wonder what he wants.

“Yes!?” i asked him as soon as I got to his room.

“Can you help me close my suitcase?” he asked. My eyes trailed to his suitcase and saw that he had more stuff than me and Charlotte combined!!

“Why do you have so much stuff you’re a guy??” I questioned while narrowing my eyes.

“ Hey!! Just cause I’m a guy doesn’t mean I can’t have lots of stuff!!” he scolded.I just rolled my eyes.

“ Okay, okay! Fine go sit on your suitcase!” i ordered.

“What why do i--” he started but I cut him off.

“Just do it!!” I snapped. Finally he sat on the suitcase. Once he did I zipped it up. 

“Okay you can get off”

“Wow! thanks! you’re the best big sister ever!!!” he beam!

“Yeah, yeah.” i just rolled my eyes. 

“CHARLOTTE!!! CHARLIE!! ITS TIME TO GO!!!” my dad yelled. Yup  he didn’t even say my name.. oh well I’m use to it.. i glanced at Charlie and saw pity in his eyes. If looks could kill, he would be dead right now. I hate when people pity me! So I left the room and grab my stuff. I sighed,sometimes I wish my dad would just say my name just once. Soon, I went down stairs.  

When everyone was ready we all walked out to see the two cabs have arrived. I had a small suitcase while Char and Charlie had medium suitcases. Mum and dad had a large suitcase so that meant that I have to share a cab with them, since my suitcase was the only one that fit with the large suitcase. So it is me, mum, and dad in one cab and Char and Charlie in the other. This is going to be eventful ride, I hope I make it out alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2013 ⏰

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