Coming Face To Face. •17•

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We finished eating and Cadien texted me, letting me know he was almost to the house.

Shit, I forgot about him coming over.

I sent him a text, saying I was at Baylor's and to meet me here.

I got up and grabbed mine and Baylor's plates, rinsing them off and setting them in the dishwasher.

Baylor brought Darcie's and Reyn's plate in, rinsing them off before handing them to me to place in the dishwasher.

"Caiden's on his way over," I told Baylor.

He nodded and left to tell his mom as I went upstairs to get the box.

I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house a few minutes later, and I prepared myself for this conversation. I'm too tired for this.

As I made my way downstairs, I heard voices, obviously Baylor's and Cadien's.

"Let me go get Ad-" Baylor started to say.

I interrupted, "I'm already in here. Can we get this done and over with, that way I can sleep?"

Cadien nodded and Bay looked at me, silently asking if he should stay.

I just shrugged and took a seat at the table, sliding the box towards Cadien.

"Have a look," I said. "The letter that I told you about earlier, is in the envelope at the bottom." I crossed my arms and put my head down. Maybe I can try to sleep right here.

I could hear Cadien mumbling to himself about everything that was inside of the box and I silently planned his death.

• • •

"Aden." Cadien said, shaking me.

I grumbled and lifted my head, glaring at him. "What?" I'm still half asleep so it came out as a 'hum' type thing.

"Do you really want to plan it?" He asked, looking between me and the letter.

I nodded my head slowly. All I wanted was to sleep.

"Okay, then you can. I'll call it off and let you do everything."

"Thank you," I mumbled. "Can I go to bed now?"

He chuckled and nodded, calling Bay into the kitchen.

I could hear them talking, but I was too tired to even try to make sense of it.

Soon after, Baylor came over to me and picked me up, taking me upstairs to his room.

He laid me on the bed and said, "Goodnight, Aden. I love you."

I love you.

He loves me?

• • •

I woke up and Baylor was beside me.

I coughed and got out of bed, heading downstairs to get some food.

I walked into the kitchen and stopped, seeing the box on the table. I tilted my head at it in confusion.

Why was this down here?

Oh. That's why. I forgot about the conversation with Caiden yesterday about mom's funeral.


I felt my chest compress at the thought of her gone, but I quickly pushed that feeling away. She wouldn't want me to cry over something that couldn't be changed.

I turned around and got into the fridge, pulling out the milk and setting it on the counter.

Shutting the fridge door, I made my way over to the bread and toaster and began making myself toast.

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