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The night started off normal, tumblr and Doritos in bed. I could faintly hear the conversations and laughing of my brother and his friends downstairs. Luke (brother) always had his friends over and mom never minds because she loves those boys like 3 more sons. Which in my opinion would be too many kids. 6 boys and me? I don't think so.
I can see why she likes them though, they are very nice guys. Some might even say... Cute. Ahem, but obviously I don't think so because I have boyfriend of 2 years. Declan and I have been together since 11th grade and we just recently graduated. When people talk about love at first sight, I think about the first time I met Declan. We we're made for each other, I'm sure of it. My mom has never really approved of him but she just doesn't understand it. Im old enough to make my own decisions anyway.
I looked at the time and saw it was only 6 so I went downstairs to see what Luke and the guys we're up to. When I reached the living room I saw that it was empty which meant they had moved to the basement where their band equipment is. Yea, thats right. My brother is in a band. Him and the guys really think they're gonna go far. And they're pretty good too, I must say. All they have to do is get recognized and I've heard that someone might be contacting them soon because he saw their last gig. Anyways, I made my way to the basement where, no doubt they all were. Calum was strumming away on his bass and Ashton was twirling his sticks. Luke and Michael looked like they were going over a riff in one of their songs so i sat on the couch and just observed them. Calum looked up and gave me a smile as i sat down.
"Hey little Hemmings." He said with a smirk.
"You know I'm only a year younger than you, right." I said, laughing.
He shook his head and laughed while he continued to strum away. I leaned back in the couch and got comfortable. About this time, Luke turned to the rest of the band, "Hey guys, can we run that part in the new song so Michael and I can lock in these rhythms?" Everyone nodded and got ready to play. Ashton counted them off with his sticks.
I was really proud of them for how far they've come because they sounded really really good. They didn't play the whole song, just the part Luke and Michael needed so when they were done I clapped and cheered them on, earning a few thank-you's and smiles.
"I think we've found our number one fan." Michael said, referring to me. I cant deny it, I do love them.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I quickly took it out to see it was a text from Declan which I swiftly unlocked my phone to read.
"Hey babe, theres a party I want to take you to tonight. Dress cute like you always do." I smiled and replied, telling him id go and then I stood up and started to leave.
"Jamie, where are you off to so quickly?" Luke said.
"Im going to a party with Declan. Ill be home late. Can you tell mom ill be at Stephanie's?" I asked, fully knowing that my mom would not approve of me going out with Declan so late.
"Uh, I don't know, Jay. You know how mom feels about him." He said hesitantly.
"Which is why I'm asking you to tell her ill be with Stephanie. Please Luke, ill owe you." I almost was begging him.
He sighed and finally gave in. "Fine. But keep your phone on you. Call me if you need me." He was so protective of me, which is good I guess but often annoying. I nodded and ran up the stairs toward my room. I slipped on a black knee length dress, cute, not too revealing but with a hint of sexy. I didn't really have to do much to my make up or hair so I just ran back downstairs where my shoes were. Michael was in the kitchen which it was safe to assume he was eating our food. I was looking for my heels but I couldn't remember where I put them. I looked over to where Michael was to ask him if he had seen my shoes but he was already looking at me.
"Umm, have you seen my shoes?" I asked finally.
"U-uhh which ones?" He stuttered.
"The black pumps."
He pointed to a spot in the corner of the living room where my shoes were. I took a second to mentally slap myself before thanking him and running to my shoes. Declan would be here any minute and I wanted to leave before mom noticed. After putting my shoes on I received a text from Declan telling me he was outside in his car.
"Bye, Michael. Can you tell the other i say bye?" I said quickly, running to the door.
"Uh, yea but Jamie, please be careful." He said. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Ugh not you too. Alright whatever, thanks ill be careful bye!" I said, and ran out the door to Declan's car.
He started driving once I got in and he turned the radio on.
"So wheres this party at?" I asked.
"My friend Blakes house." He said, and left it at that.
"How far is it?"
"Dont worry about it, babe. We'll get there." I stopped asking questions and just let him drive. Until our surroundings started to become more and more unfamiliar.
"Declan, are we lost?"
"Of course not, we're almost there." He said, keeping his head straight, not looking at me once. Finally he took a turn on a dirt road that looked like it hadn't been used in forever and he drove us in until we were secluded by the trees.
At this point im not gonna lie, I was nervous.
"What is this? You said we were going to a party." I said, my heart beat starting to pick up pace.
"This is a party. A party of two." He said as he put his hand on my thigh. His touch didn't feel right. It felt forced.
"Come on, take me home I dont want to do this right now." I said, trying to push his hand off me but his grip only got harder and it started to hurt.
"Declan, let go of me. Take me home, now please." Nothing about this felt right. My heart was beating out of my chest.
His grip only persisted and started to rise under my dress which is when I had had enough.
"Fuck this, im leaving." I said and pulled on the door handle but he quickly grabbed my arm and pinned it to the center console roughly then he moved himself so that he was on top of me and his weight was pinning me down. He started roughly kissing and biting my neck. I was kicking and screaming but I knew that where we were, no one would hear me. Which I guess was his plan all along.
"STOP PLEASE, GET OFF, DECLAN NO!" I was screaming at him but nothing seemed to make him slow down. He started to grope at my breasts and I took the opportunity to knee him in the balls as hard as I could. He squealed and curled up into a ball and i grabbed my purse (which had my phone it it) and I rolled out of the car, kicking my heels off and started sprinting to the main road, sobbing uncontrollably. I knew he would come looking for me so I immediately took out my phone and called Luke. I couldn't control my sobs so when Luke answered he knew something was wrong.
"Jay? Whats wrong? What happened? Calm down tell me where you are." I didn't tell him what happened. I just told him to come get me. I didn't really know where I was but I was able to tell him how to get to me.
"Luke stay on the phone with me please, I'm so scared."
"Of course, Jay I'm coming I'm not going to hang up I'm on my way." He said, obvious terror in his voice. I kept running on the main road until I saw a set of familiar headlights and immediately recognized the car as Luke's and I got in as quickly as possible.
At this point I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. I told Luke what happened, not sparing any details. The only reason he didnt go back to kill Declan was because I needed to be as far away from him as possible. We finally got home and he walked me into the house. Michael, Ashton, and Calum weren't there anymore, which was probably a good thing.
"Im uh.. Im going to go to bed." I said. And Luke nodded at me and i started to walk away before I stopped and turned back around.
"Can you um, stay with me? I don't want to be alone." I asked, quietly. He nodded and walked with me to my room. He made a little bed on the sofa in my room and I laid in my bed and tried to fall asleep. The only thing in my mind were the last two years I wasted on that piece of shit, Declan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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