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{WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP. ITS THE FIRST OF THE MONTHH. BONE THUG FANS RAISE UP!!! I almost skipped Marshall's birthday. Oops. This is reaally short, the next ones longer. One two y'all, yk I'm about to rock ya. You've stepped in the realms of juniormafiaa}

*A bright, cloudless, crisp October 17, 1989*

A full six days being grounded for Ajala.
A full six days of missing Marshall. She was afraid to even approach him at school, where her mother's rule did not matter.
A full six days of reality instead of dreams.
And my God, did Ajala miss that adorable blue eyed rebel.

As she sat day dreaming in her hard navy seat about Marshall's, well everything, a small tap was made prominent on her meaty arm.

She looked up at her English teacher, Mr. Duvall who was totally unaware going on about and then behind her. AnnaMaria Taylor, small, scrawny and lighter skinned, passed her a yellowed note. She opened it.

It read:

Miss you dude. I'm having a block party tonight, corner of Dresden and Olliver: 8:00-until. Be there, I want you there.

-A little confused but love


Ajala heart bursts and her ears burn with anxiety. No way in hell would she be missing this....

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