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*The next day... * *Blake is exhausted, as she feeds her baby some formula* Blake: *Notices Sun walking into the room* "Sun?" Sun: *Looks at Blake* "Yeah?" Blake: *Looks at Sun* "I think we need to hire somebody... Somebody, like a nanny or something." Sun: "Why?" Blake: "Because, I am exhausted... Plus, I need to get a job so we both can save up enough money to get Ellie into school, and save up to get her into college... We also need money to put food on the table and also get her some new clothes and things, even clothes for school... " Sun: "Maybe you're right... Also, maybe I'll work double shifts at the place I work at" Blake: "Well, alright then... " *Later, Sun is then working two shifts* *Blake is then sitting in a rocking chair, rocking her baby to sleep, but is still exhausted* *She calls Ruby* *Ruby answers* Ruby: "Hello?" Blake: "Ruby... " Ruby: "What? Are you ok?" Blake: "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted... Can I hire you as a nanny?" Ruby: "Sure." Blake: *Yawns* "Thanks... Because I need some rest... Plus, I need to get a job so me and Sun can have money to put food on the table and so we could save up enough money to get Ellie into college... " Ruby: "Well, Sun should be helping you with the baby, but I'll come over right now since you sound tired." Blake: "Sun is working two shifts... And he should've been helping, but now he's working two shifts... " *Some time later after their conversation, they both hung up* *Later, Ruby arrives at the house* *She knocks on the door* *Blake answers it, and sees Ruby* *Ruby notices how tired and exhausted Blake is* *Blake collapses due to being tired, but Ruby catches her just in time*vRuby: "Here, let me hold Ellie, you head to bed." Blake: *Yawns* *Smiles* "Thanks, Ruby... " *Blake then has a hard time walking due to being tired, but makes it* *Ruby then closes the door and locks it* *She then reads a note by Blake that's instructions to her* Ruby: *Reads it* *Ruby then finishes reading the note, and then correctly does what the note says*

RWBY: Blake the motherWhere stories live. Discover now