Chapter 1

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I was at work. I work at the service desk at a grocery store and was just starting out. Just learning the ropes. When one day, this, this...guy came in and wanted to cash a check. Of course I call him up as he is the next customer, and I finally take a good look at him. Wow. Dark brown eyes and thick black eyebrows that define them. I couldn't help but get lost in them for a second, but I did for a little too long and he noticed. His thick lips curved into a slight smile and I couldn't help but blush. He hands me his check and license and I notice that it was sideways indicating that he was only eighteen. How in heavens name could this man be only eighteen? I couldn't focus on what I was supposed to do. He just stood there. I could feel him smiling at me. Not an innocent one, either. I felt his eyes burning holes into me begging me to look up at him so I would get lost once again. I punch in the numbers for his check and wait for the machine to beep telling me that the check cleared. It took too long signifying that it wasn't going to go through. So I told him - his name was Jonathan - that I would have to enter his information on the other machine. He smiled and his eyes brightened like he was excited to stay longer. Of course I was glad that I could fantasize about those broad shoulders a little longer. After running the numbers again they worked, and I was able to cash the check and give him the money and he would be on his way. I counted it out to him and he smiled. Jonathan turned away and I went back to organizing my station then I heard his voice again. He asked if I wanted to grab some coffee after I got off my shift. I. Was. Speechless. He was asking me? For coffee? What? I didn't know what to say. I just stood there. YES! Say yes! My brain was screaming! I tried to seem normal though. I said I would love to join him for coffee, but I wasn't getting out until later that evening. He leaned on the counter allowing me to smell his cologne, it was heavenly. He said it wouldn't be a bad idea to have dinner then. Again I was in shock. Yes! My brain shouted. Again I said that that sounds good to me. He said that he would pick me up at eight thirty from my apartment. We exchanged numbers and then he left. That gave me a half hour to get home and get ready after work. Oh, no.

I couldn't wait for my shift to be over with. It was dragging. I was also freaking out about what I would wear but I was excited. I really just wanted to get to know him. He seemed so different. I don't know.

It was finally time for me to leave. It was also time for me to really start freaking out. I had to get home and change and freak out some more. What was I freaking out about? I don't know.

He texted me that he was here. I walked down the stairs and my heart was going at full speed. I got into his car and he kissed me on the cheek. I knew I turned a bright red after that. He asked where I wanted to go eat and I really didn't mind, honestly we could have eaten McDonalds and I would have been fine. We, well, he decided on Denny's. It was casual and inexpensive, I didn't mind. The waitress came and took our order and that left us to talk. He asked the general questions: how long have I been working there, what I like to do in my spare time. Things like that. Then I asked him what he was studying in school, he looked at me funny though, and replied with "the usual" classes like English, trigonometry, and world history. He was still in high school. Uh oh. Then he asked me the same thing. I told him that I was an English major. His jaw dropped a little. He questioned "an English major?" I replied with the school I was attending and hoping to transfer out of. He was in disbelief. He asked me how old I was and when I said twenty-two he didn't blink. He couldn't believe that I was in fact an adult and in college. Jonathan told me I looked nineteen at maximum, but honestly I didn't think he was still in high school. This is going to be awkward.

Our food came and we ate more in silence than I liked it to be. Every once in a while I looked up at him and he would catch me staring and smile but continued to eat. There was a question or comment made occasionally and I couldn't help but feel a strange attraction to him. Even earlier that day I felt it. And I was afraid of what it was. Sexual tension. Oh God, no.

We finished and he paid for the meal even after my protests. We got back to his car and he started driving. We made small talk again, but I was afraid that our connection was gone. We got to my apartment and just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. My gaze was slightly lowered but I could feel him looking at me again. I looked over and sure enough he was. Those big brown eyes glittered in the moon light, his lips were slightly parted, and his large palms were on his thighs. I opened my mouth to say thank you and my hand rested on the door handle to let myself out but nothing happened. Nothing. We just sat there in still silence. Again I felt the tension. I didn't want it. I just didn't know if it was right. It seemed so wrong. I searched his face and he searched mine. My breaths were soft and deep and I wanted this feeling to stop, but it didn't. He got so close to me. Our faces were touching. Not our lips but just our foreheads. I couldn't stand it. He closed the gap. His lips were so hot on mine. Burning my lips. It felt so wrong, but so right. I wanted to stop kissing him but everything was in place. I barely knew him but everything about this was good. It was exhilarating to finally realize that he felt what I felt.

We moved in slow motion. Just hands and lips. Then he would run his hands over my sides and my thighs. I pulled at his hair and lightly bit his neck. We weren't loud, but we weren't getting rid of the tension as easily as we thought. Not by a long shot. Each kiss felt like it lasted days, and each touch was miles long. I couldn't get enough and he didn't seem to either. I didn't know what to do. But I pulled away slowly. Our eyes were still closed, I knew because I couldn't feel the intensity of his eyes on me. Our breathing was synchronized. Jonathan asked what was wrong and I told him nothing, he asked why I stopped and I couldn't answer. That is when I felt his eyes on me and I opened mine to look right into them. I couldn't tell what I wanted with Jonathan. I didn't even know what he wanted with me. We couldn't figure it out but that pull was there. I knew that we were attracted to each other, but it felt wrong as well as right. I was so troubled.

I thanked him. Said goodnight and that I hoped that I would see him again although, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I climbed out of the car and waved to him as he drove away. What was I thinking?

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