Chapter 1: 15 Today

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Here I am sitting on my bed in front of the tv chewing on stale marshmallows for my 15th birthday oh the joys of life, suddenly I feel the urge to throw up "it must be the marshmallows" I say to myself as I run to the bathroom and hug the the toilet seat edges.

As I'm throwing up I begin to think back to the events of last week when I was wondering the streets alone at night a strange man tackled me to the ground and knocked me out, but when I awoke ew...

I erased the thought from my head when another thought came to me what if I'm pregnant..... if so that is going to be one disappointed child now that father's dead.

I begin to think as the look of horror on his face was shown as I used my powers to rip his head off rung through my head I couldn't help but grin.

I stood up and washed the taste of marshmallow and apple cider throw up out of my mouth, I then go over to my wardrobe an pick out a black hoodie as dark as night to cover my face as I walk down the street towards the nearest chemist.

As I walk into the chemist I notice that it's full of drunk teenagers I know from school "I guess that's what friday night dose to ya" I murmur as I pull my hoodie down more so that it no long sits above my eyes but now just above my nose so they can't properly see my face.

I quickly grab a pregnancy test and walk up to the cash register as I pass her the test she steps back in shock and looks at me with a funny expression on her face as she says "um......aren't you.....a bit be using this?".

I shrug as I say "mabye just a bit", I then pay and start to go back home. I arrive back at my apartment at 11:30pm so decide to go to sleep and use the test in the morning so I flop down on my bed and begin to sleep.

I wake up to the sunlight glaring at me through the bedroom window, I look over to the clock hanging above the bed head as it says 8:30am. I get up and knock something off my bed I pick it up to see thats its the pregnancy test I was supposed to use today so I take a shower and then take the test.

I walk outside in my black leggings and deep blue singlet along with my purple Nike's and start jogging down the street as I begin to think about how many things in life could get worse, now that I'm pregnant, I used my powers to see the gender and how long until she's due.

Today is the 14th of April and she is due on the 7th of July so thats 13 weeks away I guess witches give birth quicker than humans and it's a girl. But I don't think she has powers I can't feel any essence.

Right now I have one big problem I'M ONLY 15 AND I'M HAVING A BABY, I mentally yell at myself the only good thing coming out of this is that no one can tell if I'm pregnant or not because of my powers.

As I'm walking I see two guy's run past me, I recognize them as the two most popular guys in year 11 although I'm only in year 9 I have to be put in year 11 classes because mine are too easy.

As Jacobs running towards me with his red mop of hair bouncing in the air and his legs speeding up as he runs past and he spits at me and it hits my face.

I also see Michael running towards me as his gel lifted hair stays perfectly in place he slows down down as he gets closer only now I realize he has no top on and who knew he had a 6 pack and all those mussels, but that doesn't last long when Michael pulls me to the ground then speeds off after Jacob.

As I get up I see them high five as they begin to talk, "great aim Jacob got her directly in the forehead","oh it was nothing but what about when bowled her over, hey Michael watch this".

Jacob runs back over to me and kicks me in the stomach while I'm still down "ha take that you gothed up freak" he yells before running back to Michael.

As soon as there gone I get up and run back home or at try to run as the pain I was in was unbearable after all its not every day that you're pregnant and get kicked in the stomach.

When I arrived home I went to the bathroom to have a shower as I was undressing I noticed that I had scrapes along my back and stomach and they were bleeding.... a lot. I needed to heel myself for the sake of the baby I had yet to name.

Even though heeling someone or yourself doesn't take long it feels like an hour of burning pains to the wound.

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