defeated drone

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Steve: Dont worry ill protect you! Uh?
Lapis: nobody messes our day!
Drone: iii-nitiate -ss-elf d-distru-ccct.
Peridot: did it just say intitate self distruct?
Steve: uh. Yes? What does that suppose to mean?
Peridot: it means its going to blow up!
Steve: uh! Run!
Drone: NNNO! (Boom!) (Exploding)
Peridot: holy smokes.
Garnet: Steve!
Steve: Guys what are you doing here?
Pearl: we needed to stop the drill once weve heard the explosion.
Garnet: Now Lapidot? What was that explotion all about?
Peridot: LAPIDOT?
Garnet: ugh. Just answer me.
Lapis: we dont know. That drone just come out of nowhere.
Peridot: its a gem tracker vessel. It locates the gem its been told to shatter. And i dont know. When it saw me. 4 eyes shown then turn in to red then lapis said no one messes up our day. Then she used her power to take it down.

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