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So we arrived at goldtiger34 house to see what was up and guess what he already set up our trolling account on YouTube yea! I only wish that minecraft was real life then I could be the king of the world I have always wanted to be president of really anything I would totally be a better president than Donald Trump any day but really any one would.So we set up our recording equipment and I got to do to intro "hello every one hero1 here and today we are going to slurp up goldtiger34". "Hey no today we slurp you."said gold(gold short for goldtiger34)."ok lets just start." But right when we started I placed beckon and stepped on it and for some reason it came out of the screen and I felt my self beginning to separate but it didn't hurt and we disappeared from the face of the earth but not all worlds.
Sorry for another short chapter in school need to get these done though soooooowwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhyyyyyy! Will try for longer chapters just have some elections if you have friends please tell them about my Book!!!

Need new character before I can wright my next chapter so please will accept votes till Friday the 5th of March so please post soon!!

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