The Palm

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hey homies. well not much to say except for the fact that this chapter is utterly boring. and please please please please PLEASE check out my new story Chasing Love i know i start way too many stories but i'm just waiting for one to really hit it off like this one sort of did . i promise you guys will like it please please PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE

and don't forget to drop a comment and tell me what you think or you could just vote. i seriously appreciate any feedback i get on this story! thanks!


“You so owe me,” Cort muttered as I jumped into his dingy Honda. It was a crappy little stick-shift and I would’ve complained, but ‘she’ was Cort’s baby and he was right; I did owe him.

“Fucking California,” he muttered as he pulled down the street. “And it’s 7 already. My mom would murder my for going on a drive at night. Forget going to California. I’m DEAD when I get home. DEAD.”

“Cort I’m so so so so so thankful,” I squealed, squeezing his arm. “You don’t understand what I’m going through right now.”

Cort huffed and took a right after a young couple crossed the street.

“I knew I liked you Brooklyn but I didn’t know I liked you this much,” he laughed after a short pause. His hand went to the stick shift as he went up a gear. “8 fucking hours. I’ll be driving past midnight.”

“Cort, I seriously appreciate this. And you know I would grab the wheel but I’m still with a permit.”

Cort shook his head and raised his hands towards the radio. He flicked through the stations as he turned onto a more main road. Obviously, all the songs were to his distaste as he shut it off after going through them all.

“Where are we going to sleep?” he asked curtly. It was hard to tell if he was mad or annoyed or joking. My hunch was that it was a combination of all three.

“I found this motel right out of Liam’s mom’s. Like it’s about fifteen minutes from the town she lives in,” I explained quickly, pulling out my phone in case he wanted to see the website.

“Did you make reservations at least,” he muttered with pursed lips. Cort hunched over the wheel to look for incoming traffic, so I wasn’t even sure if he was paying attention to my answer.

“Well, I did call but they said that I would need to deposit money if I wanted to reserve a room. Since I don’t have a card I could reserve a room.” Cort’s groan was lowered than the car’s groaning as it sped up to match speeds with the cars on the highway. “But!” I quickly continued, “the lady said that the motel is always super empty so we won’t have any problem with getting a room. And I have a lot of cash on me.”

My mother had given me tons of money before I got in the cab and even after the party, I still had almost 300 dollars left over so the two of us were set.

“I could be fucking Madison Seneca right now, Brooklyn. Did you know that?” Cort continued to complain. He ran a hand through his blonde hair; his trademark sign of annoyance. “She’s nothing special but I haven’t been laid in forever.”

“I’ll fuck you.”

“Are you serious?” Cort shouted, his blue eyes expanding so much that they rivaled the size of the moon.


That was the end of our conversation.

Seven hours later, I felt an arm slug my shoulder. The hit was light, but it brought me out of my sleep instantly.

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