Trying to find my past

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I hear screaming but I don't see anything, it pitch black. I hear this high pitch sound then I open my eyes, I see the blue sky but it is mostly covered with dark clouds. I stand up and look around, I see no people. The only sound I hear with the wind blowing past me. I take a step froward but I step on something. I look down to see this dead body

"AH!!" I scream and jump back but I step on something again.  I turn my head to see what it is another dead body. I take a look around to see dead bodies making a circle around me. I stood in the middle, "D-did I do this?" I asked as I look around the dead bodies that made a circle around me. I take a step over one of the dead bodies. I made a decision to look around and see if I can find someone and ask for what happened before I knocked out.

I sighed as I stare at my reflection in a store window, I have searched for two hours but I have found no one. I feel like I was about to give up when I flick my eyes to the right and saw this girl that looks like me, but when I blink the girl is gone. I look back at my own self and I have red hair, blue eyes, I'm wearing a black tank top, blue shorts, black and purple converse, and a dark blue beanie. "Am I ever going to find out about my past?" I asked no one.

" far will you go to find it?" A random female voice asked.

I jumped and turned around, looking around all scared. But I calmed down when I notice that the only human there is me. I sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Again how far will you go to get your memory?" The female voice asked once again.


Hey people! This is my first story so please leave a comment telling me how it is and I will only update when I have a lot of nice comments. You can leave a mean comment if you want, I dont really care

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