~Chapter 1~

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Don't paint me black, When I used to be golden.


It's strange to think about the meaning life. There are so many representations and embodiments of life.

Maybe there's reason we're on Earth for such a time, is it because we see everything we have to; or it's because we are never meant to see everything. Or maybe it's the equal balance between ignorance and intelligence.

My name is Michael Langford and you may say I'm a pretty average teen. Nothing really special has happened in my life, but who's to say that my fate will stay the same. I am 17 years old and I live with my Mum and little brother, Finley. Not so long ago we decided to all move to America together, we all meaning Mum; this is mainly because of my parents divorce. My Mother felt like she needed to escape our home and find a new so she isn't reminded of the memories she had with our father.

We've now settled down in Illinois, Chicago. Our new house we have is a lot bigger than the last and I prefer it to our last one in Britain and I also prefer America a lot more.
There's just more things to do and see plus the schools are so much better over here.

Speaking of school, my first day at my new high school is today and am I dreading it? No. Am I excited? No.

I don't know what to expect, but I'm not very fond of new people unless I instantly click with them. We'll have to see how it goes.

"Mom I'm leaving now!" I scream to my mum who is sat on the couch in the lounge.

"Okay son!" She replies and with that I step outside and slam the door closed.
And so, I begin my journey to my new school not knowing what to expect.

While walking I notice others around me heading towards school. It's all so foreign. (Literally) Looking at people, not knowing anyone. I'm left to wonder how they'd react to me. So, I hang my head low whilst walking, avoiding any attention. It seems to work because I make it to the front desk without a single person attempting to speak with me, what a relief.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asks; who's name I believe is Joan I see on her badge.

"I- uhm. I'm new and I just came to get my timetable" I stuttered nervously.

"Oh yes, the new British student. Michael I believe" she exclaims and I nod.

She hands me my time table and I look at what room to head to first and where my locker is. I thank her then leave to look for my locker.

I feel the anxiety overcome me while walking in the crowded corridors with people staring at me. I stay to myself ignoring them and keeping my head low; That wasn't my smartest plan as that's why I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I look up to see a boy looking at me innocently with his big green eyes and dark hair.

"I-it's fine honestly, you're the new British transfer right?" He asks calmly and I nod
"Nice to meet you!" He smiles with glee and puts his hand out; gesturing for a hand shake.

I take his hand slowly and shake it "nice to meet you too, I'm Michael"

"Kai" he introduces himself and I feel comfortable talking with him. He seems innocent and kind, he's around the same height as me.
I usually get intimidated by people taller than me but I'd never admit it.

"Uhm.. Where's your lockers?" I ask shyly.

"Oh they're just round the corner, and yours?" He says while smiling still.

"Mine are too" I smile back.

"Come on, you can hang around with me and I'll show you around, is it okay if I call you Mike?" He suggests

"Sure, thanks. " I smile and follow him as he walks around the corner to his lockers.. And of course there would be his friends.

I instantly feel shy and excluded.

"Hey guys! Come meet Mike" he shouts over to his friends. And they all approach us. There were only 4 of them, 2 being male and 2 female.

The 2 guys stand towards the back not looking bothered much but the two girls instantly approach me.

" Urr, hi. " I give them a small wave.

"Omg!! He's British and soooo cute!" One screamed, but the other seemed like me. Shy and excluded. I smile at her and then at the other.

"Nice to meet you both I'm Michael, but you can call me Mike" I say and hold out my hand but the loud girl literally jumps at me and gives me a huge tight hug, preventing me from breathing properly.

"Hi I'm Jenny!! It's nice to meet you" she says while squeezing me tighter.
"And this is my best friend Melanie" she says while letting go of me and pushing Melanie forward causing her to fall. My first instinct was to catch her; which I did.

"Woah steady" I laugh and help her back to her feet.

"I-I-I'm sorry.. " she whispers and looks down towards the floor.

"It's okay" I smile and lift her head up.
"Nothing to worry about, Melly"

She blushes a little and steps back behind Jenny.

"Don't mind her Mike, she's a bit shy" Jenny laughs.

"Cute" I say bravely.

And with that I saw her turn bright red and she walked away.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I say but Jenny cuts in again

"She's never been complimented by a guy, so she's just not used to it" she places her hand on my shoulder "don't worry about it"

"Okay.." I say

"This is Troye and Jaxon by the way. They're jerks I wouldn't get close to them" Jenny laughs while pointing to the 2 boys stood to the back

"Excuse me? We're lovely people" Troye says sarcastically while Jaxon eye rolls her.

"I'm sure you are" I laugh.

Jaxon continues to eye roll me as well and Troye seems to not like others using sarcasm against him. And with that they both walk away to their first class, so I check my timetable and head to mine.

"Hey, Mike where you at first?" I hear Kai shout to me.

"Uhm, English Literature. What about you?" I say

"Same, who have you got?"

"Miss. Baxter, and you?" I question

"I have her" he smiles. "Come on, I'll show you where it is" after he says that he gestures for me to follow him, so I do.

"I'm so nervous" I tell him and bite my lip while looking down at the floor.

"Don't be.. Melanie is in our class too" he smirks.

"She is?!.. I mean she is?" I say while gulping shyly.

"Yes" he laughs then stops In front of a class. "This is it" he opens the door and enters while I follow.

"Here goes nothing"

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