Chapter one- What??? In Naruto's world?!??

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(A/N I have decided on some love but I‘m not good at those things so not sure how It’ll work out- Maybe I put things like the guys like her but she’s not really into a serious type thing just the little crushes she had in real life and other people like her friends/ bodyguards paired with guys also my sister said no love but hey comment and tell me what you think because I’m writing for you.)


"Mom I'm leaving!" I shouted while closing the door not even waiting for a reply as I walked to the gate logging my duffle bag with me to my friend Tracey's mum's car.

"Good morning, Mrs. Seals," I greeted as i got into the car.

"Unbelieveable," I sigh as we got onto the highway.

"I know right, we are on vacation and they make us come to a competition to represent the school." 

"It's almost as though we have no vacation," Jamila states from the other side of Tracey.

"Hey Jamila I didn't even see you there, you were quieter than you usually are." I concluded causing Tracey to snicker and Jamila to sulk.

"Don't forget me" another voice interjected from the front seat, "How could I forget you Gabriella." I said cheerily poking her head.

"Anyways did you guys enjoy the latest Naruto manga chapter?" she asked switching the topic.

"Of course I can't believe Naruto's little speech managed to awaken the dark part of the nine tails inside of Minato," I fan girled getting really excited at the mear mention of Naruto. We all happen to be total Naruto nerds but me more than them since I could literally summerize all of the episodes for you and most of the manga chapters off of memory.

It felt like we did hours of talking about Naruto until we finally reached Chaguaramas beach. The sun was way too hot for anyone to be outside usually a sign of bad weather to come, when here in the tropics. I got out of the car taking my bag and  strapping it on my shoulder as my eyes instinctively began to scan for the competition and my school tent. There were so many schools here and of course St.Joseph's Convent's tent must be the very last tent on the line up.

"So you're here, Alexander." A smooth voice stated more than questioned, "Miss me, much darling?" It questioned again this time lacing it's arm around my shoulder, to question again, "What, cat got your tongue?"

"No, Dicky I just dont' feel like talking to you." the words seem to come out harsher than I meant them to as he quickly detatched his hand off of my shoulder, scowling at the fact that I called him Dicky instead of his name Richard, "now what do you want?" I inquired slightly irritated.

"Well since you are participating in this thing I came to apologise in advance so that when my school crushes yours there won't be any hard feelings between us."

"That won't be a problem," I stated emotionlessly, "Because my team is goin to beat yours no matter what, even if it is the last thing I do." After that I stormed of  huffing and puffing over to my school tent in the hot sun.

"Let me guess, Richard?" Tracey asked as i dropped my bag and began to take off my tee shirt revealing my St.Joseph's Convent blue, whole piece swim suite.

"Humf." I answered before plopping onto the tan coloured sand with my legs crossed and my arms folded the same time Gabriella and Jamila came in.

"Don't let him get to you, he just like bothering you, I won't be surprised of he liked you." Tracey continued, mouthing the name 'Richard' to Mila and Gabby so they'll understand who 'he' was.

One of these things just don't belong...Me !! (Stuck in Naruto Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now