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Percy- Okay lemme tell you this, dont mess with the stoll brothers. They are nasty news.
I tried to "prank the pranksters" but just got pranked back. let me tell you what happened.
I wanted to prank travis and conner because its fun. I put a radio right next to there beds and turned the volume high so when they turn it on, BOOM they just got Percy. They found out and pranked me. I was walking into my cabin and stepped on a trip wire ( how was I supposed to know) and that triggered the water guns and i got soaked. We had this war for days now. They put worms in my bed, I pushed them into the lake, they soaked me in the middle of the night, i put a spider in their beds. Well you get the idea and now they pulled the biggest one if all, not even on me. They pranked my girlfriend Annabeth. They put a spider in her bed and her worst fear are spiders because the story of her mom and aranche.
Well after that things got more out of control. I made Leo burn down there cabin and they taped me to a walk so i taped them on the celling in the big houses attic. They are still up there trying to get down but they got to learn to not mess with Annabth.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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