A/N: An Extra Chapter?

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A/N: Yeah, just ignore this :)
Looking back, it is crazy to thik how happy I was that Arcane reached 400 votes, I love all you who have read and supprted this story!! :)

So, this story is near 400 votes - which is crazy - and I have decided to treat you guys to an extra chapter if I reach this target of 400 votes overall in about 2 hours. I will write an extra chapter that will be written in the POV of Theo and the guy who walked up Denham's heel by 'accident'...
These two boys have got feelings for Denham and I will write how they both feel :)
I have got some cool ideas!!!!

Also, while I am here I want to thank everyone who has enjoyed reading this story so far and your comments make me smile and laugh!!! If you have any questions about my story so far feel free to comment and I will try and help you understand better :)


So, I am having trouble coming up with the name for the guy who walked up Denham's heel - yeah, this is his nickname for now, haha.
I am stuck between two names:  Lukas or Grayson?

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