You may cut, hit,pick your hair, try over dosing yourself or even try to kill yourself...You are stronger than you think you are. You may have something that is killing you inside or you think that you can't over come what has happened or is happening, you can! There is are people that love you and need you and you don't know what your future is it could be amazing but you won't be there to see it. You think doing all this to yourself is helping it's not, its just your brain saying it is, but your heart is aching begging you to not hurt yourself anymore. It hurts others more than yourself sometimes and then it becomes selfish. There are so many letting themself get drawn on and sometimes those pictures don't go, Even maybe one day you won't see the end product of that picture. Stop now everyone is human and everyone has a value and a place on earth, there are so many people out there to listen. There are places been built for you, that's all because we need you. Things happen for a reason and your birth was a reason, even if your told that maybe your not wanted or wasn't wanted, course you are to someone. We all have friends and they chose you as a friend for a reason. If you harm yourself now, you can stop think of other ways to over come this, it will benifit you. Someone will come along and kiss your scares of the past and you will look back and say i came through the other side. Thats because you were strong and that day on you said no and showed the real you. You've come out of the darkness and shown your ready to start again. You are beautiful, so smile.