The more you burn

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The spark that started an inferno,
Settled into a flame getting slowly cornered,
Nights of burning desire,
Turned out to be a heatless fire,
Rekindled our old flame,
Hoping this time you wouldn't be the one to blame,
Regardless of the effort I put in,
Ignorance was what she sealed me in,
As if my love blinded me from seeing,
That I wasn't the one she was deeming,
The indirect insults and dejection,
Killed my soul like a lethal injection,
Slowly but surely,
Fragments of myself were dying daily,
Even though I smoldered in the fires of my mind,
Her cruel words I would still consider to be kind,
My heart was doused in gasoline and set to burn a million times over,
For her words were gasoline and her actions would ignite,
This torture I endure to taste the heaven that I yearn,
For the more you burn, the more you learn.

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