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Sadness. Loneliness. Words that describe perfectly that painful childhood. That past, which was seized during her first years of life, and which always wanted to forget with the passage of the time, but a scar remained, and marked her for life.

Dark hair, green eyes, dark skin... At first glance, a very beautiful girl, but unfortunately, orphan.
She never met her parents, or never knew if she had brothers or sisters, uncles...if she had someone. Never. She lived on the streets, dressed in rags of the trash, barefoot and dirty, looking and stealing food throughout the city to survive. Because of this, eventually she began to be more agile, clever and strong. She admitted when she get into troubles, she liked it. For her it was like a game, and normal. She lived all her childhood like that, without anyone at her side, only had her teddy bear. A brown bear, which had stitched in white on her belly some numbers and some words she didn't know what they were, what they meant, because she didn't have an education as other childreen, and therefore she could not read or understand what was written. It was dirty, and over time it was a bit deteriorated, but that didn't matter, because that teddy was her only friend, partner, and never separated from him. She loved it more than anything in this world, since she grew up and spent her childhood with it. She lived on the dark streets of the city. Her bed, was the dirty floor, her bedsheets, sheets of newspaper and cardboard boxes pulled to the containers. But that was not the worst of it. The worst thing was other people teased her. Sometimes, when she wanted to play with other children playing with a ball or other games together, children get away from her, they rejected her, or when she was walking on the streets and they were close her, they insulted her. They criticized her, mocked and laughed at her...even sometimes, they threw stones at her or tried to go to beat her...and all for being poor, orphaned...or as they said: "different, weird". Even adults judge secretly about her, and some also came to beat her when she tried to steal, or threatened her. She spent long nights lying in her "bed" (if we can call it like that), crying. Wounds everywhere. Only felt pain. But it wasn't only for those wounds, cause the injuries were a little part of that great pain. The most pain she felt, was her heart, fading away each passing moment, when no one accepted her, that nobody wanted her. Although that wasn't the only thing that caused her tears. Sadness, loneliness. She didn't choose this life. In fact, she couldn't choose. Nobody knew what she feel, how it was to live in solitude, struggling to survive each day. Nobody.

Sometimes she collected magazines that adults pulling on the streets, to see the clothing that was fashionable: shoes, suits, etc. She came to like much fashion. Other times, she was walking on the streets, and suddenly appeared a luxurious carriage. The royal carriage. The kings, princes and princesses of England, travelling around London together...cheerful...as a big family...happy. Those elegant suits, expensive jewelry...she thought they believed that they were superior to anybody to have more money than anyone, and she hated them. She hate their life of rich, their...happiness...in family. If someday she can, her dream would be become to be the queen of all England, and live the life she always wanted. And so it was for a few years...until she was 13, and her mentality changed after a tragic event.

A spring afternoon, she was walking down the street, when suddenly, a man, with a suspicious-looking, told her to follow him, and she, without thinking it through, accepted. The mysterious man took her by the hand sharply and without saying anything, he dragged her into a alley where nobody pass, and suddenly, he tried to take advantage of her. He was the typical pedophile who takes advantage of young and helpless girls. Fortunately, she managed to escape thanks to hit him a hard kick in the crotch in self defense, and she managed quickly and far away from there. But that traumatized her, and she knew that could happen again if she didn't change her esy of being. And she did it. She got tired of having to be that girl weakling and which others take advantage and wounded. Already finished to be crying at night. The pain is already over. Now, everything would change, because from that moment, she would play the role of bad in the film, and for a time was devoted to revenge on many of those children, that so often mistreated her, and many of the adults made them a hard time. She succeeded, by cunning, agility and strenght gained over the years, made people fear her around the city. And she liked that idea. In fact, she loved. Finally she knew who was actually. Who had to be from a long time ago.

~To be continued...

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