Chapter 11

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Avery's P.O.V

The cold breeze hits my face as I step out of the hospital. I haven't been outside in a long time. Taking slow steps I slowly got to the bottom of the stairs. I could walk again and it felt amazing. My sister and her boyfriend Matt were standing next to me. "Babe can you take her bags to the car." says Saloni to him with a smile on her face. They way he looked at her spoke much more than anything they loved each other so much. He smiled and without saying anything he went on to his car with my bags in his hands.

"How does it feel to be out finally?" Asks my sister standing next to me I just look up the sky "Amazing I'm so happy to be out of this place" I say when a rain drop falls on my face. The feel of it made me feel alive again. I blinked smiling towards the sky "Thank you God, for helping me through this!" I whisper quietly.

"C'mon lets go it's starting to rain!" says Saloni before shaking my arm lightly. I follow her to Matt's Porsche and he opens the door for us "Careful!" he says helping me in and closing the door. After Saloni sat on the passenger seat he started the car. I stare out of the window the entire drive to my apartment. Everything was the same like nothing ever changed. But it did I lost more than six months of my life in that hospital along with my relationship with Tom. God I wish I could see him right now but I know that it's not possible right now.

We reach my building and I stare at it. Though it was old it was beautiful in a way I could see the plants on my balcony and the way the flowers curved downwards on the metal bars. We step inside the building and soon enough reach my apartment. Saloni gave me my key "Do you want to have the honor?" She asks all formal standing as straight as possible, "Yes ma'am!" I laugh taking the key and placing it into the keyhole. I open the door to see people jump up from literally everywhere.

"Surprise!" They all say I stand there shocked as I read the "Welcome Home sign" they had put up. I quickly look around hoping to see Tom through the crowd of people. But as I looked around the realization that he wasn't there sunk in.

Tom's P.O.V

My body pushed on the rocky cliff, he held me tightly with one hand by the cloak while placing a knife below my throat "No one will die today Lucius!" he spoke with a strength that oozed from his voice and presence.

"Cut!" yelled the director and Joseph pulled away along with the knife I push myself forward straitening my rustic roman suit and pushing back my cloak.

"Great job guys! Half hour break and we'll continue!" say the directors before adjusting his tick box glasses and reviewing the tape again. Joseph and I walk to the food and water table. I grab a bottle of water and quickly chug it down. "Thirsty much?" looks at me Joe as if I were crazy "It's really hot here we don't really have this in England." I say wiping the sweat of my forehead carefully not to mess up the make up to much.

"Point taken." He says pulling out the phone from the jacket that lay on his chair "I have to make a call, see you in a few!" he says before leaving me alone. Well I couldn't actually say I was alone there were probably sixty people here working. I grab a plate of rice and chicken before getting my phone as well. As busy I was and as much as I wanted to get her of my mind I just couldn't. It's like I saw her face everywhere. I quickly dial up Rupert's number he picked up on the third ring.

"Hello Mate!" he says cheerfully it makes my lips curl up into a smile remembering all the years we spent together on set.

"How are you?" I ask casually, not wanting to jump him right away with the Avery questions. I hear muffled music on the background of the call.

"I'm great, me and Andi are at Avery's apartment we threw her a welcome home party she left the hospital today!" he says cutting right to the point. I feel my lips dry and my breath getting caught in my throat "How is she?" I ask nervous of the answer.

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