But I Have Nowhere To Go!

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Late '66 

John had totally flipped out on me. He had seen pictures of me chatting and dancing with band by the name of The Hollies out at another party last Saturday night. I didn't tell him I had gone because he was catching up on sleep. So why would I bother him? He had thrown things and punched a hole in the wall. "John Dunbar, this is not the kind of man I intended on marrying!" I exclaimed as I had tried steadying my shaky voice. "There is a child in this house. He's not even one!" Nick was just in the other room. "John, you are making such a huge deal about this!" I cried at him. "You didn't just hang with five men but I've heard rumors about this Keith man? I didn't intend on having a son with a fucking cheater." he retorted at me. "I am not a cheater John! I love you!" I cried out, lying. "Why else would I have said yes to you when you asked my hand in marriage?!" His face cleared a little of the anger. "Just get out." he said sternly. "What?" I asked with wide eyes. "I have no where to go! I can't ju-"  "Take your baby with you." He said coldly. "Let me explain John" I pleaded. He kept walking, ignoring me. My mind was racing. My mother lived at least an hour away! The only car we had was John's. Suddenly I perked up. I knew where I could go! About a month and a half ago, I had became friends of a lovely couple. Anita Pallenberg and Brian Jones. Keith had called me up and invited me to get to know everyone. Mick had a date with Chrissie, so Keith said, so everyone was there but him. Anita had a great sense of humor and we had many of the same interests and Brian, being in the same band as Mick, seemed nothing like him. Brian was polite and had the cutest voice, very attractive as well. Me and Anita have phoned each other back and forth lately with plans of a shopping date. Anyways, back to what was happening now. How did John hear about Keith? He wouldn't even give me the time of day to explain. I have royally screwed myself. I make my way towards the household telephone and phone up Anita.

"Hi Anita, this is Marianne." I say, making myself sound delightful.

"Hi Dear!" I could practically see her smile.

"You know how you told me about a month ago that if I had any trouble at home that I could stay with you?"

"Of course... what's the problem?"

"Well, it's John... and I have to take the baby with me."

She drew in a breath. "Well you're certainly welcome at mine and Brian's house."

"Promise I won't  be a bother?"

"I promise!" Her accent rang out.

     She told me her address and I had to take a bus to get there since Taxi's only go through the city. I had two large bags packed with me, one for me and one for Nicholas, and I had hope that this would turn out to be an okay time.

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