chapter one

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"Christina there's a gentle man here to see you!" said Mr. Hughes, Christina's dad. "Oh thank you dad,sigh i wonder who this could be?", she said.Christina walked towards the door she then suddenly open....and then paused when she saw it was the interviewer.....Christina said "good afternoon Mr. Howard how may I  help u?", she asked excitedly. "Hello um are you Christina Barrett the owner of the Game Shakers club?" "Yes i am how may i help u?",she asked politely even though she knew the answer of what she asked him Mr. Howard answered and said,"I'm here to tell u that the  Game company and I wants to interview you on your club since all the kids here in Smart Valley are finally engaged with something their own age! "Omg I can't believe this, you guys want to interview me!", she said with a large smile "I'm sorry for the loud out burst i'm just so over joyed" chuckles, I know the feeling Miss. Barrett I've experienced a lot of these so in my case its no problem, people get overjoyed when their dreams finally come true smiles i was in this situation once", said Mr. Howard. "Chuckles, so when should i come?" Oh! when should you come are you kidding you're so talented we want to interview you tomorrow, a talented person like you we can't hesitate with!" Christina replied saying "Ok then i'll be there and thank you guys so so much for looking at my work this means alot to me sigh i still can't believe this!" "No thank you! Anyways i gotta go now any you should be there by 3:00pm sharp", said Mr. Howard. Christina closed the door, she braced her back against the wall and started shouting "Yes, Yes" Mr. Hughes came to her confusingly "Hey honey smiles whats all the excitement for?" "Well dad you won't believe this but screems, I have an interview tomorrow with the Games company!" she said proudly "Oh honey come here", he hugged her in his arms "I'm so proud of you sigh i know you could work your way towards your dreams" said Mr. Hughes. Bing Bing Bing!! Bing Bing Bing!!! "the phone rang" Christina then said " I'll get it" she ran to the kitchen to get the phone, she then picks up the phone " hello its the Barrett's house how may i help you?" she asked selectively. "Christina its me Melisa", she said impatiently "OK, ok slow down whats up?" Melisa answered " A little boy at the Game's Club just died!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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