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Hi... My name is Lydia Gates, and here I am to tell you my story.

At the time I was only 16, I was really ill with the flu or something. My parents had a work appointment to attend so they left me at home in that secondary house we had in New York. We used to live in London at the time but my dad had a lot of problems with his workmen and his boss, he just couldn't take it anymore and decided to move with my mam to New York.

It was a nice house just not in a nice alley, when you walked in front of the house it just felt.... wrong. So that night I was on my phone talking to a good friend of mine and I was telling him that I was scared because I was imagining ghosts and monsters creeping out of everywhere.

I looked at the time and it was already 1am, it was getting on and I had no idea when my parents would get back... and that is when I heard it.

At my front door, in my cold dark alley, in front of MY house was somebody there I did not know...

He knocked at the door 3 times, but I couldn't move, I was scared, felt sick. No way in hell was I in any state to go to the front door and open it to see who it was, but I knew it wasn't anyone I knew.

Only my parents would be home at this time but they wouldn't knock, they would just come in, nobody knew where I lived I mean why tell someone ? I was embarrassed of where I lived and you could see it on my face when I would walk up to the bloody place.

After a long silence, I thought he had gone back because no one answered but then I heard clicketing noises, to me it sounded like he was picking the lock, and that was exactly what he was doing. And then I heard a deep male voice that was machine modified and it said :

Man : I am here Lydia, I have come to take you back.

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