The new roommate...

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I finally saw it. A brown wooden door with the golden text '18F' on it.
"There it is." I said with my luggage dragging behind. All of a sudden, I felt scared. I didn't feel like opening the door, what would I say, how would I say it?
Immediately, the door swung open, but I wasn't the one that opened it. My head flew back first as I hit the floor.
"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry." An adult sounding feminine voice said in the distance.
I was dizzy, but finally got myself together. Focused myself to match a face to the voice I heard.
It was actually a girl about my age, with a very mature voice, probably a year older than me. She was a dirty blonde with pink highlights. Black lipstick, black mascara, with thick eyelashes. She was wearing all black too. I think she's Goth probably.
She stuck out her hand and helped me up
"I'm guessing your my roomate."
"I guess so."
We had some sort of a stare off before I gave in and gave her a weak smile, she returned the same. It was awkward.
She motioned me to the small apartment. It had pink floral wallpaper almost falling off the wooden walls. A nice brown tile floor, no stains or scratches. Two brown couches towards the two corners of the walls, with a TV near by. It was one of those really small TV that were shaped like a box. There was no kitchen, so I guess fridge was part of the living room.
"Well here is the luxurious room 18F!" The girl smiled. "Well okay it's not all that great..."
"It's fine, it just needs more furniture and probably better walls." I judged. This comment made the girl kind of look sad. "Yeah," was all she said.
Uggh, there I go again being painfully honest, she probably doesn't like me now.
"Well, anyways, there are two rooms, yours is the one in the far corner in the hallway."
She helped me with my luggage and lead the way to my new room. I could only imagine what dull, cockroach infested area I'm going to walk into.
"Well here we are, don't mind the drum set, I'm about to take it out. I tried to clean up a bit." She smiled
I was actually surprised on what I saw. It was pretty decent inside, kind of barren Minus the fact that there was no bed, I guess I'm sleeping on the floor. At least I brought a blanket with me.
"You can start getting settled in, I'll be in my room."
She walked away until her footsteps became unaudible. I realized I never caught her name, I guess I'll ask later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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