Chapter Eleven - Misunderstandings

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Dedicated to Raindrops0nRoses because she actually took the time to post something on my message board. :) Thank you!



I can't tell you how much Sarah's been sucking up to me these past few days. It's pretty entertaining actually. She'd always ask if I'm okay and if I need anything whenever I feel exhausted. And because of Brandon's gigs, I get more and more tired every single time-there was this one time that I just got home from one of my "dates" or should I say concerts and Sarah went right away to my room only to ask if the guy was really worthy of my time. She even lectured me about going out with every guy in our school. Talk about over-protective. Before, she barely cared about me going on dates but since the day I passed out she's been repeating this scenario weekly. I pretended to listen but I only hear,

"...too good to be with them..."


"...deserve someone better..."

And that was when I was Scarlett. When I'm dressed as Brandon, she'd go bonkers. She'd follow me around school-walk me to Brandon's locker, to the men's room-it's a surprise she doesn't follow me inside, you can't imagine how embarrassing that would be for the both of us, to my bike, sometime's she'd follow me home and I had to use every bit of my awesome biking skills to lose her because she can't know I live at her best friend's house and most of the time she'd keep an eye on me and sometimes I couldn't help but blush with the way she was looking at me intently.

The bonus is, she'd always say yes whenever I ask her to do something for me. But being the good little ol' me, that happens very seldomly.

I haven't seen or heard from Kyle for the past few days too. It's weird, very weird. And it didn't fail to make me feel a little paranoid-more paranoid. Good thing Sarah's always looking out for me. I think Alex talked her into doing that though. Eh, doesn't matter. As long as I got to make sure guys don't take advantage of her too.

"Do you know how much risk you're going to get extremely sick with drinking milk?"

I continued sipping from the carton milk, only louder.

Sarah groaned, frustrated. "Give me that," she demanded.

I gave her my widest, hopefully cutest, grin and got back to drinking. I heard her take sharp intakes of breath, which I know she does to calm herself down and I restrained myself from bursting with laughter. I drank the milk to the last drop, scrunched up the carton and handed it to her. "It's all yours."

She just looked at it and shook her head, making her black hair swing from left to right. "No thank you," she muttered with disbelief and I only shrugged, "Too bad. Then I'd have to go outside, probably get kidnapped by someone and then risk being mugged..." I know I've been kind of mean making her feel like that but her expression was priceless.

Her brown eyes grew big and she suddenly shot up from the seat in front of me, making the other people at our table to stop eating and look at her expectantly. She gave them a nervous smile and turned back to glare at me. "Give me that," she ordered.

I smirked, "Sure." then handed her the disheveled carton. She snatched it out of my hand and walked away without another word. She's so damn cute. I watched her walk away and then one of the guys from our table piped up, "She's so hot now. I wonder what happened..."

I tried not to listen but it was really hard not to, when they're only two feet away.

Some girl added, "Yeah, it's like she had help from the Geeky Turns Pretty show."

I shook my head helplessly.

Then I felt all of their eyes on me. "What do you think Brandon?" the same guy who started the conversation asked. I just shrugged, "She's till the same girl." the same beautiful girl.

As if on cue, Sarah came back looking a little bit upset. "Trash cans all over the school are full and I couldn't just leave the carton on top or around one, so I had to actually go out just to throw the... thing." She said the last word with so much hatred that I actually laughed.

The other people along the table followed my laughter and Sarah's face turned red almost immediately. I was laughing so hard that I barely noticed her leave.

"Hey, where's Sarah?"(A/N: lol this reminds me so much of "Hey, where's Perry? XD) I asked out loud.

They all started turning their heads from here to there and mumbled,


"She's probably just out to..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence because I decided to find her.

I think I messed up. Big time.


I couldn't believe Brandon would say I still look the same. I mean, I do look different from the girl who wore big glasses and the girl who didn't bother with make up all the time. Frankly, I look pretty. But I guess he wouldn't even notice. Then I bumped into something hard. "Darn..."

"It's kinda funny we keep greeting each other like this."

I instantly froze.

Kyle's back.


I looked at all the places that I thought she'd be at but I couldn't find her. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks-

The library.

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