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When Marisa told me she didn't think we should be together, I think my heart honestly broke. I stood up and walked away from her shaking my head. I just shot someone for her. Now she wants to break up? Wow babygirl. I went outside to get some fresh air. I saw my ex walking down the street.

She saw me and her face lit up. "KEVIN! HEY!"

Her name is Angel. We didn't break up because someone cheated, it was just a natural break up. She moved to Hawaii. And we didn't want to do a long distance relationship. She was gorgeous then and she's gorgeous now.

"Hey." I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"They transferred my mom back here for her job, I just moved in earlier, I'm just getting used to the neighborhood again." She smiled.

I nodded. "Maybe I can show you around sometime. Even though you already know the area, there's some new hang out spots."

"That would be great," she smiled but then frowned. "Why are you at the hospital? Is someone hurt?"

"Uh no, I shot someone because they kidnapped my girlfriend--er ex girlfriend."

"Oh my gosh. One, are you in trouble? Two, what happened with you and your girlfriend." She asked.

"I don't know, they don't know what happened yet and um we broke up about 15 minutes ago actually, I guess she thought she was the reason that this happened. So she dumped me, but as she said it was 'for the best'." I quoted as a tear went down my cheek.

"It's okay Kevin. Can I give you a hug?"

"That'd be really nice right about now."

She smiled and gave me a hug. She smelled like flowers and vanilla. I've missed her honestly.. a lot.

Without thinking, I lifted my head and hers. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. But there was one drawback she didn't kiss back. Instead she pulled back.

"Kevin. Look, you're not over your girlfriend. Being with me will just make it worse. I don't know her but if you want her Kevin, fight for her." She said honestly.

"Okay, I will. Can we stay in touch though? What's your number?" I asked.


"I'll text you." I smiled.

"Okay, I've got to get going bye!" She said pecking my lips before she left. I'm guessing it was a friendly peck since she basically rejected me a couple minutes ago.

I turned around and saw Marisa. She looked hurt. Really hurt.

"How much did you see?" I asked.

"All of it." Her voice cracked. 

"Marisa I can explain honestly."

"No you don't have to explain, we aren't a couple remember?"

"Right." I mumbled.

"Um, I've got to go. I'm gonna catch a bus bye." She rushed out really fast.

"Wait! I'll take you home. It's late I don't want you riding a bus at night, alone."

"Okay, but no funny acting."

"Yeah whatever." I mumbled, again."

We walked to the front of the building, got in his car and drove away. The car ride was completely quiet, only the sound of the radio was heard.

Once we pulled up to my house, I was about to step out but he pulled me back in and looked at me.

Once we pulled up to my house, I was about to step out but he pulled me back in and looked at me

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"Honestly Marisa, I don't care about what you think of me right now. But what you should know is that I care about you and I'm going to fight for you babygirl. I like you a lot and I won't let you just slip through my fingers like that. You've got things coming your way. We'll be back together in a minute babygirl, watch." I winked.

She sighed, kissed my cheek and thanked me for the ride before getting out the car.

I watched her walk inside before driving off. I've got some planning to do.


Marisa's POV

Kevin is too much. He's making this harder than it needs to be. First kissing a girl right after we broke up then apologizing and saying he's going to get us back together?

I went upstairs and got my journal. Journal I said not diary.

I filled out a entry for today.


March 3, 2016.

Today was an interesting day. I got kidnapped when I was on my date with Kevin, but then he came and saved me. But in order to save me he had to shoot someone. That someone was Deanna. We took her to the hospital, while we were at the hospital, I broke up with him because none of that would have happened if he wasn't with me. He got upset and went outside. I followed him because I wanted to apologize. But he was with a girl and they kissed. Right after we broke up like whattt? So when he turned around and saw me he panicked. But I didn't want to talk about it, so he took me home. In the car it was quiet. When we arrived at my house, I was about to step out before he caught my arm and told me he was going to fight to get me back. I honestly like Kevin. A lot. He means a lot to me. He's sweet and he's a gentleman you don't find those nowadays. I don't know what to do. I wanna date him but I'm just going to cause trouble.



gO VOtE fOr mY nEW BoOk CallED ColOREd OkaY BYe.

oh and I didn't check for mistakes oops.

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