Chapter 10

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Story Line:
I been 2 day seance the thing with amu father. Ikuto been to amus toume to see her. She look so beautiful i cant wait tell she wakes up said Ikuto. Tonight is the last night for her to be a sleep. The potion was only to last 3 day. Everyone can to the trample were amu was laying. What are you guys doing here said ikuto. Your not the only one to fall for someone on the othere side you know said Utau. Yea Tsukiyomi your not said Kukai. Well i guess so it looks like we all fell of the other side said ikuto look at everyone. Yea they all said. Is Amu going to wake up soon ask Rima. I think so and i hope so to said ikuto. As they talk amu slowly starts to wake up. Mmm said amu. Amu are you ok said everyone accept ikuto. Yes i am find guy. Im so sorry i just wanted all of use to be to getter and not to fight anymore. We know amu and we need to thank you for what you have done for us said Utau. Why do you guys need to thank me for all i did was make my family and friends worry about me said amu. Yes we're worryed about you but wend your dad told use what you did for all of us we're soo happy cause now we can be with the people that we love said Kukai. Thank you. Thanks amu-cha said
Yaya. Ok guy i think that enough for now said Nagihiko. Ok said everyone. Let get out of here it start to creep me out said Kukai. As the left amu and ikuto was hand in hand. Now i think my father will let us be together ikuto said amu. Yea i think so to amu said ikuto. The look at each other and the never want to look away. Ikuto stars to get closs to amu face. There foreheads touch i love amu said ikuto. I love you to ikuto as they got closs to each other again there lips touch together in a passional kiss.

Hay guy it all the end of my first story i hope you guy like it so far i want to make another book but it between vampires or werewolf for the sory of amuto so ill let you guy choose so just let me know. Buy the way i dont own shugo chara just the story it self. Bye for now.😄

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