Negitive Voices

15 0 3

She's walking down the street with a smile on her face, saying good morning to everyone she walks by. All the people that knew her saw her as a happy go lucky girl who didn't have a care in the world.....but little did they know it was all an act. Of course  it used to be real but something just changed one day, the voices in her head started to be mean they weren't positive anymore and made her feel horrible about herself they told her she wasn't any good they said she was ugly, stupid, and that she was a terrible person and shouldn't be here one day she went home holding back tears and when she got home and into her room she threw herself on the bed and let it all out....but it wasn't enough. She got up looked and the mirror and out of  rage she picked up her brush and smashed the mirror with it making it shatter. She took one of the shards and went into the bathroom leaving the door cracked and sat in the middle of the floor, she started with small cuts all over both of her thighs she watched the blood sit there for a minute and started on her arms and wrist making deep long cuts which dripped on the floor she did this for a while before falling to the floor.....she does that day.....and no one saw it coming..........

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