I woke up to the sound of Louis' car horn again, he was unbelievably lazy... the drive was only like three meters long... if that. I adjusted my hair slightly, it was a mousy brown type colour.. I hated it, so it spends most of it's time tied in a scruffy bun with a red ribbon, which my sister loved. I pulled on my pale blue skinny jeans and plucked a cream jumper from the cupboard pulling it over my head... I never wore make up for school. It took up too much time. "Tia, you leaving already? What about breakfast?" I heard a voice shout from the kitchen. "My lifts here.. I'll get something on the way." I replied before picking up my brown back and allowing it to fall onto my shoulder, and heading towards Louis' car. "Sup loser?" He asked cheekily with a wink. Louis was in the year above, although I've known him basically my whole life... He's literally the only person I can trust. "The usual, mornings." I laughed, returning the wink and stepping inside his car. The school was about a half hour drive, Louis took me every morning as he knew how much I hated the bus... it was too stuffy and full of screaming kids. "Hey, when you've finished day dreaming, I've got something to tell you!" Louis beamed, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry... yeah, go ahead." I said laughing slightly. "I'm sort of having a party tonight... for my birthday? I know my birthday's not for a week... but it's Christmas then, so maybe I thought you could go?" He asked, he always tried to get me to do stuff, I normally just wanted to go for a coffee or something by myself, I'm not really a people person... "Louis I-" "PLEASEEEEEEEEE" He whined cutting me off. "I'll come for like an hour or something.. I don't want to stay though.." Louis was the only person who actually understood that I didn't feel comfortable around a lot of people. "I LOVE YOU" "You'd better" I winked, "So when does it start anyway?" "Well I said people could show up around seven? You can come earlier if you like?" I shook my head. "I'll come about eight? I wanted to pick up something from town, so I'll do that, get changed and come round later?" "Sure, what are you getting from town?" "Mind your own business." I laughed before jabbing his arm, I'd ordered his birthday present ages ago, but no one was home when it was delievered... so I needed to pick it up from the post office in town. "Fine" He replied pulling the grumpiest face ever. "Is there anyone I know that's going?" I asked curiously. "Probably not... just be friendly" He winked. "You have to stop winking it's getting creepy" I laughed, "Are any of your family there?" I asked, I loved Louis' family... I knew they'd probably be out but it was worth asking. "Nope, just like my year." "Greaaaaaaat, so I'm going to be the youngest there too!" "You can invite a friend?" "I don't know... maybe" I wasn't a complete loner, I did have friends, I just wasn't particularly close with any of them. We arrived at school shortly after, me and Louis parted ways and I went to the canteen to meet my friends. "Hey Tia" Maddie stated as I joined, her Abby and Cassie at the table. "Hey" I smiled. "We were wondering if you'd like to watch a film tonight?" Abby asked. "I'm er-" "Of course she can't" Cassie said bitterly. "No, it's not that." "Well what then?!" Cassie continued... "I have plans, well sort of." "What plans?" Maddie asked. "Louis sort of invited me to his party." "As in the fit one?! You HAVE to get us an invited!" Maddie laughed. "What? What happened to watching a film?" Cassie asked. "Yeah, I want to watch a film... not in the mood for a party." Abby stated. "Well you could come if you want Maddie?" "Sure!" She accepted, which wiped the smug smirks off the other two's faces. I preferred Maddie anyway, she wasn't so judgmental all the time... "Well I'll see you later? I better get to lesson... I'll call for you at like eight Maddie?" "Sure, sounds good!" She smiled as I walked away in the direction of my first lesson.. Maths.