Messages in the Ground... {Mot x Sparklez}

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the ship name's actually sparklymot, right????
also things get a lil,,,,, steamy,,,,,, at the end if u know what I mean *lenny face* (its not actual smut tho sorry lmao)
     The two heroes of Ruxomar had been walking for quite some time . The ravaged landscape looked nothing like the familiar place they called home. The land, filled with odd buildings and stripped of all its materials had been home to four other heroes; heroes much like themselves. The priest of this new realm told them of the similarities between the eight different people. All soon to realise their predicament. Probably never to return home.

     "Mot, does that look at all familiar to you?" The older man with the green glasses, Spark, asks. The two had reached a small mountain of sorts, seemingly untouched. To Spark, as the man who built the town of Dagrun, the 'small mountain' they'd arrived at looked to be the mountain the town's castle stood upon. The other nodded, looking around for at the slightly familiar looking area of stone and grass. It actually wasn't all too far from where the other heroes had lived once.

     "Yeah... It looks very familiar." He sighed, grinning wildly at how familiar the land did look to their home where they haven't been for so long.

     "Alright, I'll go look on the opposite side of the river. I'd like to," Spark held up air quotes, "visit my town." Mot nodded, turning around to look around for something important, rather, what they came for. Clues to saving Dianite. They'd had heard from this world's priest after they'd worked out what was going on, that anything changed in one dimension, could also happen in the other, hence both gods of the Nether being dead. But this was just a theory, and they had no real way of testing it, sadly. There would be no contact between those they knew from the old world. 

     So the search began, Mot scoured the land for the area he remembers where his god was killed. Since the Dianite of this dimension had been killed as well, it left for more places to search. The priest, Declan was his name, had said he was killed in a land called Athorea, where this dimension's Ianite temple resided. The other two of the four heroes, Country Bat and Jeriah, were together there, searching for something themselves. Mot was filled with uncertainty leaving Alyssa by herself with Jeriah... But Spark had insisted for him to go, and that Alyssa would be fine. The doubt still lingered as he searched for more leads. The searching didn't get him very far, and he watched Spark off in the distance who was meandering at the top of his hill. Mot sat on the ground, right near a medium-ish sized patch of dirt and grass. Mot boredly ran his fingers through the dirt, drawing small shapes. No harm could come from his meaningless actions, anyway. And besides, there wasn't anything to gain from this fruitless search, anyhow.
    Somewhere back in Ruxomar, it had rained barely five minutes ago. The ground was slick with water and mud. A hero once from the Realm of Mianite. Jordan. He had been running through the rain, trying to stay as dry as possible. As the rain had eased, he slowed to a walk. He stared at the ground, gazing at the freshly wet grass and flowers. The smell particularly nice with the warm weather. The clouds were slowly clearing up, letting the sunlight filter through and warm the air and ground. Jordan stopped walking altogether when he noticed something strange in the ground. There were small lines, shapes almost, appearing in a patch of dirt. Jordan had wanted to get home as soon as possible to prevent a cold, but this... was different. There was no one around, and as far as Jordan knew, Wag nor Sonja, or anyone else for that matter, had no sort of spell with which to draw like this.  He crouched down near it, watching for a moment. It was nothing but mindless scribble and shapes, but that didn't matter. Jordan reached forward, drawing his own shape a few inches from the others. The original ones stopped for a moment, before disappearing completely. Jordan was taken aback to say the least. There were then letters, and soon words.

     Is... someone there? it read. Jordan sat back on his heels and thought.

    I suppose the answer to that is yes. He responded, wiping the dirt off his fingers for no reason. The dirt was again, cleared in one swipe

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