pregnant?; Brandon

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I was currently laying down in my bed when I felt the urge to throw up

I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked twice , this has been going on for some time now

Brandon is on the magcon tour right now and I miss him a lot before he left which was last month we had sex

Yes we are only 13 but he wanted to prove how much he loved me and how things were gonna be the same when he comes back

I brushed my teeth and went into my computer to look up some reasons on my I'm throwing up

All I saw was "pregnant" or "Sex" so I went into Vanessa's room she dates Hunter "can you come to the store with me", I asked her

"Yea sure why though", she asked "I need a pregnancy test", I said kinda upset

"Omg mom will kill you if you're pregnant", she said "Yea I know now lets go", I said we left the house and walked to the store

Which was only a couple blocks down when we got there I brought 4 pregancy test and we went Back home when we arrived

I ran upstairs to the bathroom and peed on two sticks I then started waiting for the results

until Brandon started calling me "Hey babe", he said happy "Hey", I said not sounding very happy

"Aww baby what's wrong", he asked "Nothing I just miss you", I said lighting up

"I'll be home sooner then you know it I love you gotta go", he said and he hung up I sighed lowly

My timer then went off which means the results are ready I picked up the test

Scared I picked them up and they read positive I broke down I'm only 14 I can't have a baby (ik Brandon is 13)

I sighed their was then a knock on the door I opened it and saw Vanessa "it's positive", I said "omg", she said

"Its gonna be okay Brandon loves you", she said I nodded and wiped my face I then went downstairs

And decided to broadcast.


Should I fo a part 2 for this or no ? Comment below and tell me what you guys want me to write about

I take request from now on about Brandon or Hunter whatever you want just comment or message me.

Hunter & Brandon Rowland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now