Naga!EnglandxReader: Sweet Scent (Hetalia Fan-fic Lemon)

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"Ahhh..." You yawned setting your self up on your _(f/v)_ sleeping bag. Stretching your arms far above your head you glanced around in your dull green tent looking for your Russain Ivan. He was one of your best friends and he was the only one you could trust to come with you on this trip. You were currently camping out in the Emerald Forest. The scenery was beautiful, trees reaching towards the heavens, bright flowers, and crystal clear waterfalls scattered about. The animals plenty but not dangerous, mostly just neon birds, bugs, and few snakes. Though this one fable of a naga living here but It couldn't possibly be true, right? Nah...

"Ivan!" You shouted now sitting indian style. No response...

"Mine as well get dressed while I have the time." You shrugged and began to put on your hiking clothes. Stripping off your clothes from the night before you put on a simple thick white tank top, dark green shorts, thick wool socks, and cute hiking boots. Tossing your pack on one shoulder you began to climb out of the tent to hunt for your lost friend.

"Oh, good morning _(y/n)_." Ivan said popping out of nowhere startling you.
"Ivan what the hell!?" You gasped clutching your chest.
"Oh, sorry." Ivan apologized. Taking notice of your pack he asked if you were about to go hiking da~?

"Well originally to find you but your here now." You stated.

"Well can we go hiking then?" Ivan asked looking down at you. Figuiring that he wouldn't stop asking if you said now you just nodded."Oh yay!"

Ivan climbed back into the tent to gather his stuff, and yours packing it into a large bag he had been carrying since you arrived here, which wasnt to long ago. As he climbed out you began to disassemble the tent. Once you were done you handed him the remains so he could pack them up. Standing there waiting for him your stomach grumbled. Ivan just looked at you and smiled pulling out your _(f/snack)_,"You hungry _(y/n)_?"

"Oh my gosh!Is that _(F/snack)_?!" Your _(e/c)_ eyes wide, mouth already drooling.

"Yeah, you want some?" He held it out to you.

"Of course!" You said snatching it from him and devouring it. Ivan just smiled as he watched you eat it greedily.

'Looks so deleciousss~' You heard a voice hiss.

"Hey, did you hear that?" You asked walking up the foliage covered trail.

"What noise?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Never mind. I think I'm just hearing things." You shrugged it off.

'Ssso she heard me, how interesting.' There was that voice again! Why were you the only one to hear it? The russian next to you seemed undisturbed. You know what, I'm probably just hyped from that treat that I'm hearing things, you concluded.

Hiking _(y/n)_ and Ivan across screen time skip~

You have been hiking for hours now and were started to grow tired and dirty. A little further you thought until a soft breeze whipped your _(h/c)_ hair back. Along was the sound of rushing water.

"Must be near a waterfall, da _(y/n)_?~" Ivan chimed.

"Good, I feel a tad dirty." You complained.

"Well you can take a shower in it." Ivan suggested.

"Yeah that would be nice." You sighed happily walking in a clearing. The scenery was magnificent , the clear water crashed softly on smooth rock, flowers of various kinds and colours outlined the small paradise. Setting your stuff down you pulled out your digital camera planning on taking a picture with Ivan.

"Vodka!" You both hollered happily as the flash went off.

Examining the screen of your camera looking at the picture you noticed a pair of emerald green eyes peaking from a nearby bush.

Naga!EnglandxReader: Sweet Scent (Hetalia Fan-fic Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now