Chapter One

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"Holy crap holy crap holy crap." Jason ran through the trees trying to get away from the pale women. She wore a long white lace night gown.
"Jason... Please Jason. I'll end all pain for you. I'll end everything for you.."
"Jason.. Jason... JASON!"
Jason Redvine sat straight up, breathing heavy and looking around to realize. It was just a nightmare. He ran his fingers through his thick black hair.
"Jason. Get up."
"Mom. Its like 3 in the morning." He replied to his mother lazily. She stared at him as he began to fall from his bed half asleep. She rolled her eyes and yelled his name.
"Jason Petter Redvine!"
"It wasn't me! I mean... Uh what?"
"Just get dressed and get downstairs so we can talk. You've got two minutes."
"Yeah yeah. Okay fine."
Jason sat there, staring blankly at the pale blue wall ahead of him. 'Why do I keep having these.. Dreams. What's going on with me...' His alarm clock went off, interrupting his thoughts.
6:31 AM
"ONE MINUTE LEFT!" His mother screamed from the kitchen.
"I'M COMING!" He yelled back.

He walked down the long hallway into the kitchen. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes filled the air. He took in a deep breathe through his nose.
"Wow that smells good.. Can I eat one now." He reached out his hand to grab one of the round buttery pancakes as his mother swatted his hand with her mixing spoon.
"Manners? You know we eat as a family.. You, your sister, and I. Together. And family is important... That's why were moving.. To Salem and staying near my great uncle Jackson.."
"Um excuse me? Did you just say Salem? As in Salem Massachusetts?"
"Yes I did. We are packing up tonight and moving tomorrow.. Look Jason this is gonna be a big change, for all of us but, I honestly think this is what's best. I was going to wait for your sister but i thought about it and its probably easier to just tell you both separately.."
Jason glanced down the hall way to see his 11 year old sister staring at him as a tear rolled down her pale cheek. He looked back at his mother and glared.
"What are you talking about! Salem? That's like twenty-million miles away! What about our friends and family? Mom you can't be serious right now." He looked at her hoping his words had changed her mind but her face grew angry and she slamrd her fist down on the oak wood table.
"Jason, trust me. You'll understand later. I already called the schools yesterday. Start packing up we have a lot of work to do today. I'm not going to argue about this anymore."
"Mom, you can't be ser-"
His mother turned her back and handed him a box from the marble counter next to her. He took the box from her hands and walked down the hallway he had walked down everyday for the past fifteen years of his life. He glanced at every one of the pictures hanging on the eggshell colored walls.
He walked into his room and immediately felt the urge the punch a wall, kill someone, stab his computer. He pushed aside his feelings and began to pack up his belongings.
A couple hours later he was almost done picking when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Hey dude, it's Daniel. I got a new phone but that's not what I wanna talk about. Meet me at Spencers house. Trust me dude...

Jason looked up from his phone for a second. He didn't want to go anywhere really. He wasn't in the mood but Daniel had always been such a good friend to him. He pulled out his phone and spoke as he texted back.
"Be there.. As soon... As... Possible. Send."
He claimed over his bed and grabbed his worn out sneakers. The laces were torn and falling apart, the bottom had a hole big enough to fit his index and middle fingers in it. He threw the shoes to the other side of the bed and picked up a pair of black vans. He jogged to the front door and had his hand on the silver handle but then..
"Where do you think your going?"
"Um to meet Daniel at Spencers.. He wants to see me before we move tomorrow. I have to mom he's such an amazing friend I can't just leave and not say goodbye to him."
She looked at him with a guilty smirk. "Fine. But you better be back by nine. Do you understand me?"
"Yes yes I understand. I love you mom." He kissed her cheek and ran out the front door.
Once he got to Spencers neighborhood he began to feel like someone was watching him. He walked faster, hoping whatever was there would get the hint and stop.
"Hahahaha, Jason its me? Dude you're such a pussy haha. Anyway you said you had to tell me something this morning, what did you have to tell me?"
Jason starred at his friend, not knowing at all how to tell him he was moving to Salem. So he just came right out and said it.
"My mom is forcing us to move to Salem. We are leaving tomorrow..."
Daniels smile faded and he instead formed a frown.
"Jason don't mess around like that its messed up."
Daniel turned around as Jason grabbed his shoulder.
"Its not a joke, Daniel. I'm really leaving tomorrow."
Daniel starred at Jason. His smile faded and his face got pale.
"Damn.. Just. Make sure you text me everyday and don't forget I exist, got it fag?"
Jason half smiled and replied, "yeah asshole I got it. I gotta go. Still not finished packing. Ill text you, Bye."


As Jason was walking home he noticed something red glowing across the street. Being and interested teenager, he had to go take a look. As he grew closer he had a sickening feeling. His palms grew sweaty, his heart beat sped up ×5, his stomach had the biggest knot ever. Then he picked up the red glowing item, and he held it in his hand it began to burn but, he couldn't let go.
His body felt like a thousand pin needles were pushing deeper and deeper into his skin, the pain was to intense to make a sound. In just a second the pain stopped and everything went black.

Hey everybody. I know I haven't updated this in forever but it's just because I was still figuring out characters and setting. I know this isn't the best but it'll get better I swear lol. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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