Little Miss Rodeo Queen (sequel)

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Chapter 1

I sat there on my bed, crying like no tomorrow.

"Bailey! Bailey open up!" Brant demanded.

"Go away," I said in a hoarse voice.

"Bailey, what's wrong?" Wyatt chimed in. I didn't answer. I kept crying.

I heard a bang and looked up to see a piece of my door break and Brant moving his shoulder as if it hurt. "Now that we're in here," he said sitting down next to me, "what's got you upset?"

"I-it's Travis," I managed.

"What about Travis?" Brant asked. I got out my phone and showed him a few messages.

"I'll be back." Brant got up.

"Where are you going?" Wyatt asked.

"To teach Travis that you don't mess with my sister!" I heard Brant slam the door and later drive off.

Wyatt sat down next to me. "What happened?" he asked.

"Tra-avis is-- is che-eating on me," I stuttered. "B-but he won't ad-admit it."

It's been a year ever since Travis and I have been going out. Things had started off slightly awkward because I had mixed emotions that my best friend loved me, but I had ended up going out with the guy. Several sweet romantic gestures later we were happy. Until she came into the picture.

Tara. He and Tara had met up at a rodeo that I had missed. That's all he texted me about. Tara this. Tara that. Tara, Tara, Tara!

Then one of my show friends Elizabeth sent me a pictures of Travis making flirty moves (for eample, he put his arm around her and one of them looked like he was about to kiss her cheek).

I felt Wyatt's arms wrap around me. "Everything's gonna be fine," he said. "Promise."

The next morning I woke up to yelling outside my window. I got up and as soon as I looked out, I bolted out the window.

If I hadn't of stepped in, Brant would've hit Travis all the way to China.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" I step between the two. "Brant. Cool your jets. It was all settled out last night." Brant was about to say something when I shot him The Look.

The Look as Mom and I call it, is when we cock one eyebrow and give them a stare that says, Shut up now, and just go do whatever.

"Whatever." Brant marched over to his truck and drove off to his house.

I heard Travis sigh. "I thought for sure I was done for."

I rolled my eyes. "Be lucky I lied for you." I started to trudge back inside, but Travis caught hold of my arm.

"Will you just hear me out?" he asked, turning me around to face him. I reluctantly nodded.

After a few short stories, apologies, and explanations later, I did end up forgiving him. We actually ended up going out for lunch (we just grabbed some food off the McDonald's dollar menu and headed back to his house). We sat in the back of his pickup and ate.

"So is Blake still in trouble or what?" I asked.

"Well," Travis started, swallowing his Pepsi, "Mom let him off 'cause of good behavior and doing the chores he isn't asked to do."

I gave a slight laugh. "Blake? Good behavior?"

"I know it doesn't make ay sense," Travis replied with a laugh.

"Hey, Travis!"

"Speak of the devil," I mumbled.

"Travis! Mom wants us to run into town and pick up a few things," Blake said stopping at the tailgate.

"What she need?"

"We need mane and tail, eggs, and some fly spray," Blake said. "And Dad wants us to pick up a few wormers for the horses and cows."

"Bailey, you wanna tag along?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Why not."

Authors note: Title has yet to be determined. If you have any suggestions then go ahead and leave them in the comments.

Southern Romance (sequel to Little Miss Rodeo Queen) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now