Night One

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Kyle sat in the office yawing lightly, this was kind of boring yet he needed to money. He had no where else to turn, going to collage in a fall of this year, he decided to at least put some money on the side. This job never holds people long, so he knew no one would think much of me leaving. The last guy vanished on the job last week, Kyle just thought he ran out on how boring this job was.

Klub Ice was a day time bar, with only night time party's one certain events. It took a lot of money to make this place open up at night. A German... Swedish? 'gay' club with mostly men coming here, along with the dancing animations often making a adult like show on the stage. Honestly Kyle just thought that all he had to worry about was left over condoms from the people who left here drunk off their ass.

Kyle again look at the cameras, the lifeless androids on stage, Augustus, the quirky and cute co leader of Klub Ice. He was actually fairly new to the place. Next to him, on the right of the leader was Olaf, the simple and calm pole dancer of the group. One of the second newest androids of this place. And int he middle of them was the oldest one here, and the mascot of Klub Ice, the mysterious and touchy Bruno. The leader of the club, open to knew members of his 'cool' club.

Why would people want to join a disco club, Kyle never understood. People must really like the strange pink mist that often filled the place on the ground, that or most of them like the color pink and glitter. 

"Ug, why did I take this kind of job?" he muttered to himself, as he looked at the time an hour had passed by now. He looked at the cameras again, he frowned where was Olaf? Kyle flipped through the cameras quickly, eyes widening as he saw Olaf was down the hall, the light blinking casting a shadow over the android. Kyle felt a shiver go up his back, as he looked through them again to make sure that Olaf was the only one glitching out.

He frowned at the back room for twerkers with a android called Ogal. A very strange one indeed, he never understood why people even went to that area of the place. Kyle shivered again, pushing such thoughts to back of his mind. He frowned, having a feeling he was being watched.

"Oh, another friend!" he heard a glitchy accent cheer, he turned on the light to see Olaf looking at him with glowing, lifeless android eyes. Kyle yelped as he closed the door on a smiling robot. Kyle backed up a bit, fear in his eyes. That was not normal, they weren't alive! Kyle looked around at the camera, Olaf had gone back to the party room in front of the stage. He opened the door again.

Kyle jumped a bit as the phone rang, bit late for it. But he turned it one, as a voice spoke to him.

"Well I'm guessing by now you've come face to face with Olaf, so to confirm your fears, yes they can move around." Kyle looked at the speaker, "Nothing to worry about that, there's nothing to fear from them. They just like new people, they just don't know their own strength. But one peice of advice for you, don't breath in the pink smoke. I've found out it dose something to the mind, like a mild drug that makes you happy. Nothing too bad right?"

Kyle scoffed in fear, "So their brainwashing people!?" great android crackheads!

"Now just watch the cameras, and- CLOSE THE RIGHT DOOR!" Kyle jumped as he turned on the light to see Augusta, and he closed the door quickly. His heart was pounding in his chest and stomach.

"Sorry that was Svenz, he very touchy person, likes to smack your ass." Kyle frowned, how old was this tape? Must have been made before he got here, so he is now dealing a android that no one knew much about!? Kyle ground softly as he checked the left door, nothing, the screen showed Olaf was in the parts and service room.  "Now, just watch your power and the androids and your pretty good. Bruno doesn't move much, neither dose Ogal. So nothing to worry about, good luck and talk to you tomorrow night."

The phone cut off, as Kyle say Augustus had left the room and was in the party room along with Olaf. Voices were heard, but Kyle couldn't make them out. He frowned deeply, until the bell chimed and the androids froze up and walked to the stage in a doll like fashion. Kyle had jumped when the bell made it's noise, but he wasted no time leaving. Only remembering when he got to his car he had four more nights.


'I don't think he likes us.'

'They are normally like that Augustus.'

'Yeah he'll come around, and I'm sure Ogal vill help us!'

'I hope so, new people always seem to like this klub.'

'Yeah and he vill also!'


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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