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~ Niall ~ 

We all gathered around the couch. I'm sitting on a mattress in front of the couch with Cath next to me. As we're almost 3 minutes  into the movie when I see Cath looking away from the screen. Now she is looking at me. I don't show that I have seen her watching and keep on watching the movie. The moment there is a girl in the movie screaming her lungs out (literally) I see Cath shrinking  a little in the corner of my eye. Carefully I put my hand over hers and she picks it up gratefully. She blushes. I think she knows I know that she's already been watching me for a while. I feel her hand shiver in mine so I squeeze a little, I look at her and wink. She looks at me with a scared expression. She really  thinks this movie is  scary as hell.

~ Louis ~

 I stroked myself down, stretched out on the couch with my head on the first legs I encountered. Apparently it was that Tessa sitting right there because when I look up I find her big eyes looking at me with an amazed expression. I smile and turn around again to play on her legs with my fingers for a while. Niall and Catherine stationed themselves in front of the couch on a mattress. Catherine is too scared to watch the movie and the moment Niall notices he grabs her hand. He still is definitely half a meter away from her. What a dumbass he is.. He couldn't have missed Catherine can't keep her eyes off of him right? I see him winking at her and then they laugh shyly at each other. Pffff. He doesn't understand anything about girls at all does he? With my foot I tap against Liam's leg  who's at the end of the couch. He watches me and gives me a figuring look. I inconspicuously point at Niall. He chuckles and  signals he understands what I mean before he puts his foot in Nialls' hip and pushes him into Cath's direction.

Niall looks up to us and we  signal he should get closer to Cath. Niall doesn't understand our signs, looks at me with a weird an astonished look and turns his sight back to the screen again. Zayn, in the meantime, also noticed what was going on and as Niall turns to the screen again he climbs over the couch. He deposits himself next to Niall. Or on him, whatever you'd like to call it. Very close in any case. He puts his head on Ni's shoulder and grabs his hand. WTF is he doing?!?

~ Zayn ~ 

Oh Nialler... Dear, sweet, innocent Nialler. Louis looks at me and an idea pops into my head. I climb over the couch and sit down next to Niall. Well almost in his lap to be honest. I grab his hand and put my head on his shoulder. I watch him with an infatuated expression and sigh. He looks at figuring what i'm doing and slides away from me. To Caths' side. 

"MISSION ACCOMPLISED MR. MALIK!!!" I say soft that only Liam could hear it. He chuckles.

~ Louis ~ 

Niall slides away from Zayn  and now sits against Cath. Zayn whispers something and Liam chuckles. "Go Zayn!" I hear someone murmur behind me. "Yoo Hazz" I whisper. I lift my feet up and Harry sits down on the couch next to Liam. I put my feet on his lap and look at the screen again. How boring could a movie ever get?

~ Niall ~ 

Wtf is this? Has Zayn suddenly fallen in l-o-v-e < media;P > with me or something? I shove away from him and bumb up against something. I look beside me and see that the something was Catherine. She smiles and puts her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her so that my arms are in front of her face and I Tickle her in her neck. She shrieks and I grin. I stretch my leg and put her head on it. She looks up to me and I look deep in her eyes. They're so beautiful.. So fierce yet peaceful.. Almost enchanting. I sit back and before I know I'm lying next to her. aren't we going too fast?  I look behind me to find Zayn, Liam and Hazza watching us and grinning.. So this was what Zayn was trying to do. Liam gives me his thumbs up and Harry winks. I take it as a 'doing well'  so I wrap my arm around Cath again. She lays her head on my arm and grabs my other arm to put it around her waist. She plays with my fingers and I feel her lips on the arm where her head is at. She's so cute acting like this.

Behind me I hear lots of smacking sounds and when I turn my head to see what it's from I figure that Louis and Tessa have totally found each other. "WRONG ROOOM" We all scream at the same time making Catherine being completely scared to death and Louis looking rather annoyed. "We're already going." He says. He picks Tessa's hand and they walks away together.

I put my hand on cath's hip and turn her to me. She has tears in her eyes. "Hey.. What is wrong? " I whisper. "Don't cry." She buries her head in my neck and whines. "I-I-I I was just f-frightend.." She stutters. I lean on one arm and stroke the other one over her head. "Hey nothing bad will happen. Kay? Would you like to go home?" I ask. She shakes her head and yawns. "Well you are going to sleep" I tell her with a smirk. She looks at me and I wink. "Because what?" she asks. "Because I say so Catnip." She smiles "How original Ni.. Catnip.. " I smile and lean in a bit. "May I?" I ask gently and as she nods I press my lips on hers gently. 

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