Not your average girl.

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Depression. I didn't choose this lifestyle. This lifestyle choose me. It's been six years since Dad left. It feels like yesterday Mom was yelling at him to leave. I haven't hadn't thought about trying to talk to him. He doesn't have time to talk to me, so he says. But its all good. I'm used to the silence between us.
I'm not your average sixteen year old girl, I've been bullied since I came to McCready Hills in third grade.
After Dad left, Mom wanted to get as far away from him as possible. They never told me what really happened between them, sometimes I feel like it was my fault. Probably. Mom most of her problems on me anyway, but that's another thing I've forced myself to grow used to.
I never really fully understood why I don't fit in like the other kids until a few years ago. In middle school my so called Best Friend , Grace started to talk behind my back with the group of the bullies at my school. I told her everything, but that was her plan she told the entire group everything I told her, which they still use against me to this day.
I've never truly trusted anyone since then, I guess that's why my only friend is music. Music is the only thing that hasn't either hurt me, or disappointed me. My music is apparently considered Dark and Emo, when its really nothing like that. Though it scares most people it calms me, it makes all this a little less painful.

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